
Jan 18, 2010 09:52

First of all, your two votes:

Name/Alias: Asuka
Age: Just turned 16 a week ago

Do you want to be stamped as a gender in particular?: I don't mind, either gender is fine /o/♥
Are you re-applying? If so, tell us the character you were stamped as: -

In depth
Likes: TALES OF DESTINY/2, Tales series, fandoms (not the batshit ones), anime/manga/games/ranobe, music (classics/ballad/rock/pop/rap/hip-hop/etc as long as it's not screamo), politics interest me, food (especially free ones), being with family and friends, fags like me, chemistry (but not my chemistry teacher), doing math but not in my free time, the internet, art, drawing, history, languages, GERMAN LANGUAGE, CAPSLOCK, JUSTICE, awesome people, MEMES, and this list can go on forever.
Dislikes: Awkward moments, being ignored, being left behind, obnoxious typing, disturbance when I want to be alone, SCREAMO (they srsly call this music?!), HOT PINK, Chemistry teacher, and idk probably some other I'm forgetting to mention here.
Fears: LOL HEIGHTS/HIGH PLACES, HOSPITALS... okay. Not being able to adapt with situation, not being able to be indepedent, not being able to reach my aim, losing people I care about, and I'm not gonna lie but death is one of my biggest fears.
Goals/Dreams: I want to be an Engineer. Or maybe someone who works for law. But, truthfully? I want to be someone who's the best for myself, my family, and my friends. Simple as that.

Describe your personality: I'm quiet (but not the quiet-because-I-am-shy kind of person) and serious at first, but I'm a really different person once you get along with me. Still, most of the times I'll just stay quiet if I don't have anything necessary to say/tell (BUT OF COURSE THIS DOES NOT APPLY ON THE INTERNET. I've written bunch of pointless stuffs on my journal /o/). I don't like being caged or inferior to others, but I'm not a power-thirsty person. I am easily angered, down, saddened; so perhaps I am a bad-tempered person. I am also a type of person who learns from mistakes one has made; I admit I have made so many mistakes and errors in the past. And you can also say that I am boring. I can't make jokes and I'm not humorous at all, obviously; and I don't try too hard for being one. I realize I have to be myself.

List 3 good things about you: Smart I think, creative I think too, and that I'm a hard-worker idk?
List 3 bad things about you: THIS LIST CAN GO LONGER THAN ANY OTHER LIST I HAVE. Okay. I am bossy. Aside from that, I'm a perfectionist... in a bad way. Then I kind of want to gain respect, but I can't really respect the others; I already tried but it fails. Sort of. There are many other bad things about me but probably these are the worst.
List 3 funny things about you? ERM IDEK?!

What do you really admire or respect in a person?: Honesty. I admire people whom I can trust. Loyalty too. I also look up to thoughtful and indepedent people.
What do you hate or feel contempt for in a person?: I hate hypocrites/dual faces. And clingy people.
How do you think others see you?: I've been told by some of my friends that I act mature beyond my years and that I am smart (although I don't seem to think the same way as them). However, some other friends (mostly irl) said that I gave intimidating vibes at first impression.

Please try to explain
Mature or Immature?: Been told mature, but to be honest, I'm a child at heart, because being shameless (like riding on Choo Choo Train for Kids with friends in one of local malls, while the others in the train are...kids) is not part of maturity (even though in the end I am ashamed of myself and my friends when riding that train).
Leader or Follower?: Shadow leader lol. Just because I don't want to be the obvious leader for making decisions and stuffs but I want to take the lead.
Outgoing or Shy?: Not both.
Confident or Modest?: I don't think I'm modest, but definitely I'm trying to be. And this is bad but most of the times I'm being too confident.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: Lately I've become a realist person. In the past, I was really optimistic, then after going through hard times, I became pessimistic. Now, realist.
Energetic or calm?: There are times for both, but I guess I'll most likely be found calm.
Listener or Speaker?: Both, but more of speaker.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Cautious, I am a bit OCD on everything.
Playful or Serious?: Like energetic/calm, it depends on the situation.

Tales related
Games you played: Almost all of them except Phantasia, Vesperia, and Tempest (I know a bit about Phantasia and Vesperia but idk about Tempest :|). But what I played the most are Destiny and Destiny 2 because I'm such a Destinyfag.

Who is your favorite tales mascot: Zappie. And Mieu... wait BUT MIEU'S MAKING ANNOYING VOICES SO ERM UNSURE
What is your favourite gummi and why?: アイテムなぞ拾ってんじゃねぇ MIRACLE *___* and Lemon Gummi.
What is your favourite accessory and why?: Does Rebirth Dolls count
What is your favorite hi ougi and why?: I have too many. SATSUGEKI BUKOUKEN (anyone's IT DOESN'T MATTER WHOSE) IS PROBABLY WHAT I LIKE THE MOST THOUGH. Being biased I would say MRS >_>
What is your favorite element?: Earth, Dark, and Fire >D
What is your favorite summon spirit/sacred beast?: Celsius.
What is your favourite race in the Tales world?: ...I don't have preferences. I DON'T WANT TO BE RACIST lol is that even.
What is your favourite quote from a Tales game?: LOL COURAGE IS THE MAGIC THAT TURNS DREAMS INTO REALITY oh Richter/Emil 「俺の大切な人たちがいる、この世界を守りたい!」 ("Because people who are precious to me are here, I want to protect this world!" STAAAN JKLDJKLFHDSFS)
What is your favourite vehicle? (sentient beings like Noishe, Ba'ul and Shaorune count): Ba'ul ;w;
Which NPC gives you murder urges? Come on, don't be shy. We won't tell them. MANY OF THEM. They're being meanie to me >: okay this is just an excuse to not say one but SRSLY MANY OF THEM ARE LIKE THAT
Who is your favourite political figure of the series?: Richard?! FFFFF PEONY. And all hail King Woodrow.
Would you rather be a prince, noble or commoner?: Noble.

Make up your Tales battle team! Chose three other characters who will complete you nicely: Pascal, Harold, Jade. WHAT.

If you had to get hooked right here, right now, who from the series would you chose?: Oh lol idk srsly.

Your favorite spell: PIKOHAN. AND PIKO PIKO HAMMER. And oh Raise Dead. Plus Resurrection. Indignation. I HAVE WAY TOO MANY
Your favorite physical attack: Majinken lol.

Weapon of choice: Sword.
Melee or magic?: I want both >:
Short-range or Long-range?: ...Short-range?

Pictures of yourself? (optional): NU WAI
How did you get here? hina_icons

Anything else you'd like to say?: ...heh.

stamped: yuri

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