Ancient Catastrophe!!

Jan 27, 2010 22:09

First of all, your three votes:

Name/Alias: You can call me Tenkomi, though some nicknames are Tenko, Spartan, Jess....
Age: 16

Do you want to be stamped as a gender in particular?: Nah, go for it!
Are you re-applying? If so, tell us the character you were stamped as:

In depth
Likes: Drawing, Anime, Manga, Video Games, Blue (BLUE. My obsession.), cute things like animals, plushies, cosplaying (though I don't look good in it at all sob, blue eyed blondes in games and anime, but not real life sob, my friends, dogs, cats, birds, any animal that's cute.....yeah, I can't think of anything more that wouldn't be a repetition of what I said already.
Dislikes: Failing at drawing OTL that happens a lot sob I need practice, pink, homework, school work, projects, you name it, prissy people, bullies, spiders, insects (I lose my appetite when you talk about insects while I eat sob), lack of inspiration, lack of motivation....yeah. IDK. This list seems too short. I'm sure there's more.
Fears: Insects, spiders in particular (I swear I have minor arachnophobia, I literally ran from the room screaming when a spider trapped in a container moved as soon as I tapped said container.), being meaningless, like no one cares or anything even though it's totally true /:, I fear that I'm going to fail in life later on because I'm not taking the present as seriously as I should.
Goals/Dreams: BECOME GOOD ENOUGH AT DRAWING. That'll be the day. I want to start my own manga too, but who knows if that'll happen? :D. In general, not become a hobo, find a good paying job so that I don't have to worry about running out of money anytime I wanna buy something.

Describe your personality: jdaslkfkla Oh, I can rant on and on about this.... First, I'll start off by saying that I'm probably an introvert. Around people I don't know too well, I tend to be silent, untalkative. I just think about what I would say, but I wouldn't say it. I often feel like a third wheel, among classmates and friends as well, though I recognize how selfish thinking like that is. If given the chance to talk, I can go on and on about anything. I usually have to start conversations with others, in order to get people to talk to me. More often than not, I'm kinda forgotten. Well, that's only in school, anyways. I'm not great buddies with anyone in school, except for one person.

I'd like to think that I'm easy to socialize with. I'm pretty friendly, though if strangers randomly greeted me and started idle chatter, I'd feel pretty awkward about it. I'm pretty shy, I feel like everything to do with strangers, people I don't know, is awkward. I try to avoid strangers, other people, etc. :C With people I know, I'm outgoing. I also don't like to ask for names, so I often talk with lots of people, but never get their names. I'm kinda horrible at remembering them too, they only stick in my head if I hear it enough, or I tell myself to remember it. I'm pretty outgoing, if people talk to me, I'll chat with them, and chat and chat and chat.  Even if you're a stranger. If it doesn't feel awkward, I'll just talk. Also, I judge by the cover of the book. Unfortunately. I don't approach or talk to people that I think are prissy, or mean. But if they approach me, I'm usually not mean, I react the same way I would to others, and if I find out my impressions are wrong, I become way more friendly.

I hardly get angry, that is to say, I often feel irritated, but I usually never show it. I prefer not to offend people. Though, with teachers, I rant about them in my head, but don't show any outward emotion. With friends, at first I just ignore my irritation, but if whatever irritates me is still occurring, then I start by trying to drop hints. I try not to outright tell them what about them is offending me. :P tl;dr, I'm a nice girl, who never gets angry at people. Well, I only get angry at my family lol;;

With people I consider friends (now, that's not a lot. Most people are under my "acquaintances" category. Basically, all my classmates, and a bunch of people I meet outside of school. I think I can count the number of friends I have on one hand.), I'm a little more happy, cuz I really do enjoy hanging out with them. I'm a little more crazy too. I get more hyper, and cling to them. I'm a touchy touchym affectionate kinda person. I prefer to avoid contact, except with the people I like. I like patting people's heads, and I like being patted. I still don't express my anger or sadness though. It's all bottled up inside me \o/

I'm no good at comforting people, I have no idea what I should say to help them. So I just hug them, and try to offer words of comfort. Usually I make jokes and try to keep the atmosphere light.

When alone, I think. A lot. I tend not to like my current reality, and I'm totally bored with my lifestyle, so often I like to fantasize by thinking about my OCs lives, or daydreaming/dreaming about characters in anime, games, etc. OTL I'm so pathetic lol;; I often wish that anime and games are reality. When I'm not thinking of that, though, my thoughts tend to trail to the depressing ones. I start thinking about how worthless my life has been, etc etc, and end up contemplating suicide, though I've never had the guts to go through with it. :D I'm such a happy person, aren't I? These thoughts usually don't occur when life's going well, or when I'm not PMSing. I figure it's my hormones XD

I also have urges to show off. It's like, not even a conscious thing. I try not to, though, but it usually ends up happening one way or another. Though I think other people don't notice.

Also, one last thing. I am so, so, SO lazy. So lazy that I prefer boredom over work. What? Yeah, that's me. XD I'm so lazy that I don't do things that I want to, like draw. I procrastinate a lot, like I am ATM LOL;; I dislike physical movement, kinda. I love playing badminton though lol;; But lunges, stretches, things like that? Nowai. :C

List 3 good things about you: Friendly. :D People say I'm smart, though I don't think so. Andddddddd......idk. /: Halp.
List 3 bad things about you: asfjalj I get depressed easily, I prefer taking the easy way out OTL I'm such a slacker sob. I'm lazy, unmotivated.... >>
List 3 funny things about you? UH. I HAVE NO IDEA. sakjfaklj I love, love LOVE cute things like what. akfjsakfja I obsess over them. Like, cute boys, cute plushes, cute animals. :D:D:D I do weird things. Like strike poses at random times. But that's only with my friends :D Anddddd idk either.

What do you really admire or respect in a person?: I admire a person who has goals in life, and is actually truly motivated to work for them. I like people who are outgoing, nice, awesome people who aren't afraid of what others think of them. Stuff like that.
What do you hate or feel contempt for in a person?: People who are mean for no reason, people who criticize others too much (lol what a contradiction, I have a friend who bitches about people all the time lol;;)
How do you think others see you?: In school, that one kid who actually knows how to relax unlike the rest of us IB kids that's easy forgotten, that boring person, that one girl who doesn't take school and life seriously. With friends, I'm seen as studious, smart and intelligent, as well as outgoing and friendly. Probably. LOL.

Please try to explain
Mature or Immature?: I think I'm mature, though I'm pretty immature when it comes to what upsets and angers me. I enjoy being a child, but I can be serious when the situation calls for it.
Leader or Follower?: Follower. I don't think I have what it takes to lead, I have no confidence in my choices and actions. But I will take the lead if I feel the leader isn't doing the job right.
Outgoing or Shy?: How about both? :D If you've actually read everything so far, you'll know what I mean.
Confident or Modest?: Both, too. I'm getting more modest about everything, since I compare myself to my classmates, but I kinda boast when I get the chance. The subconscious wanting to show off thing. /:
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: I'm subconsciously optimistic. When it comes to tests, I always hope for the best, even though I tell everyone else that I'm expecting the worst. /: I'm pessimistic when I'm depressed. Not so much a realist.
Energetic or calm?: Both, really. Read that huge wall of text that explains my personality.
Listener or Speaker?: Listener, I like to hear about others problems and stuff, and I don't talk about myself. Everything else, speaker. :D
Impulsive or Cautious?: I think about all my choices, but they end up being impulsive anyway \o/
Playful or Serious?: Playful. To others, I don't seem to take life all that seriously. :D

Tales related
Games you played: Symphonia, Abyss, and DotNW. ;; I've watched a 236 video long Vesperia walkthrough though, and seen the super short Phantasia OVA. And I know bits and pieces of characters from other games, but that's it. I plan on getting my hands on Graces as soon as it comes out in NA.

Who is your favorite tales mascot: Cheagles! I loved Mieu.
What is your favourite gummi and why?: Errrr idk. XDD
What is your favourite accessory and why?: IDK EITHER D8 Anything that's useful, I guess? XD
What is your favorite hi ougi and why?: Oh. I love Rita's Indignation. Especially against Dhaos, lmao. Jade's Indignation is cool too. I love Yuri's hi-ougi too, but the Graces hi-ougis are AWESOMEEEE \o/
What is your favorite element?: Wind. Just, wind. And Indignation.
What is your favorite summon spirit/sacred beast?: Sylph?
What is your favourite race in the Tales world?: WHAT THERE WERE DIFFERENT RACES? /jk I love them all. :D
What is your favourite quote from a Tales game?: "...he's playing tag with you in his dreams, Colonel." "I am so going to kick your ass!" "No no no no no no no, I'm going to kick YOUR ass!"
What is your favourite vehicle? (sentient beings like Noishe, Ba'ul and Shaorune count): All of them. :D They all helped.
Which NPC gives you murder urges? Come on, don't be shy. We won't tell them. Uhhh....all the creepy, evil, unforgiving, evil for no reason, mean bad guys. :D
Who is your favourite political figure of the series?: Peony's the bomb. XD I like Ioder too, he's cute.
Would you rather be a prince, noble or commoner?: A noble means a nice life. :D

Make up your Tales battle team! Chose three other characters who will complete you nicely: Since I'd prefer being a mage.... Yuri, and Guy as my melee men, and Estelle as a healer.

If you had to get hooked right here, right now, who from the series would you chose?: asfjaskhaj I'm already hooked onto Flynn. \o/ My blue eyed blonde in game obsession rears its head! He's such a nice guy, even with his mother henning tendencies and all.

Your favorite spell: Cyclone, Genis's Indignation, Rita's Violent Pain, Tidal Wave, and Splash cuz it's fast.
Your favorite physical attack: I like Luke's Swallow Fury. And I like Yuri's Dragon Swarm.

Weapon of choice: I like Genis's kendama, and I like Cheria's knives. Some sort of long range weapon is good.
Melee or magic?: Magic. I've always loved magic.
Short-range or Long-range?: Long-range. \o/

Pictures of yourself? (optional): Nowai.
How did you get here? The ToG comm.

Anything else you'd like to say?: I like to make funny noises, like meowing, and myuing, idk.

stamped: colette

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