Title: Personal Hell
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Character: Van
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #3
Other: N/A
It was the barren lands that held him, white cracked ground dry beneath him.
His feet drag through the blood and bones, through the shattered skulls of his adversaries, through their dried and rotten entrails.
He never sleeps. He lies on the broken ground and stares up at the empty sky and by now he’s given up on praying for sleep.
He’s in his own personal hell now.
Sometimes Lorelei visits him, but doesn’t say anything. Lorelei watches him from afar, burning brightly in the dark sky.
Sometimes Lorelei touches him. He runs his warm long limbs across his face, curling them up his cheek and down his neck.
Sometimes Lorelei fucks him. Lorelei slides his tentacles up his shirt and down his pants, stroking him inside and outside.
And then Lorelei leaves and doesn’t come back for a while so Van goes back to staring at the sky and pretending to sleep. Sometimes he thinks he sees shapes, images forming in the sky but they’re nothing, they’re always nothing.
Finally, Lorelei comes back. He doesn’t touch Van this time, doesn’t watch him or fuck him or anything. He places skulls along his feet all in a pretty little row, large to small.
Lorelei doesn’t have to say anything for Van to know they belong to his God Generals.
Lorelei leaves after that and doesn’t come back, never comes back.
But Van’s okay with that. He gathers all the God Generals’ skulls up in his arms and lies down, holds them close against his chest and closes his eyes.
And finally he sleeps, curled up on the dry ground and under the dark sky. He doesn’t wake up but he doesn’t mind; he’s finally forgiven himself.