Title: Monster
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kratos, Anna, technically... Kratos/Anna xD;;
Rating: PG
Prompt: Prompt #3
Other: Spoilers... Yes >>; And, wow, this is not my usual writing style but I'm pretty happy xD;
It doesn’t matter how much larger her form is, mutated thick and glossy skin, long muscular limbs that could have never belonged to her, that never should have belonged to her…
The faint madness in her eyes doesn’t escape his notice; in fact, it’s the one place he can’t look away from. He should be watching out for her swings, listening to the warning cries and roars and wails that make no words yet have meaning on their own.
Her oddly shaped body lurches towards him, covered in mud, blood, sweat, and he swears he can see tears…
One motion with his sword is all it takes to push through the tattered cloth, hard muscles, and large organs.
He doesn’t turn away, doesn’t stop looking even when the body nearly collapses on top of him, washing hot breath all over his body.
He hears the screams in the background faintly, of monster, monster, monster.
He can’t help but agree.
A man who kills the woman he loves is a monster indeed.