Title: Sinner
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Van
Rating: PG-13, just in case
Prompt: Free For All
Other: I already posted this at
completecrack, but I liked it, so I think I can post it here as well =)
Van was a sinner, and he was well-aware of that.
He had killed many men and women, mostly without even feeling pity for them. His sword was bathed in blood, his hands were dirty. His soul, nevertheless, was scarred forever, since the day his childhood ended so suddenly in a dark chamber in Hod.
Sometimes, when Van was all alone with himself, he prayed for everyone who died in Hod. Every little soul, every child, every man or women. Everyone he knew, every stranger.
Often, he prayed for his mother. Prayed for her eternal life after death and prayed that she was save now.
And he prayed for his former master Gailardia, that he was safe, that he would not suffer more than he already did.
And most of all, when everything around him was silent, when he other generals were fast asleep and the cracking sound of the fireplace was all he could hear, he prayed for his sister. For her safety, for her life. That she would be able to find love in that desperate world, that she would be happy this short last time she had left in Auldrant, this short time until everything would collapse.
Van felt good when he took the time to pray for them. But afterwards, the horrible feelings were just drowning him even more.
Because it was useless for a sinner to pray.
No God would ever hear him.
'No', Van said himself, 'no God would ever hear me.'
But when he saw into the eyes of his six generals, he was almost sure that it was alright the way it was.
Maybe it was time for new gods.