Title: Desert Sun
Fandom: Tales of Legendia
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Chloe, Moses
Rating: PG-13ish?
Prompt: #1
Other: (Double) drabble for the road \o/ 200 words on the dot. Obviously AU, follows on from part 4 of
this fic. I like this universe >: Also: lulz pathos
"You remember how we used t' play together as kids?" Moses asked suddenly.
Chloe tumbled to the ground beside him, her palms making bloody imprints on the sand. "Yes. I do."
"It woulda been nice if things'd stayed that way, huh?"
"Yes." She coughed, and wondered if the coppery tang in her mouth was blood. "I'd relay your last requests to your tribe, but I'm not exactly--"
"Don' worry about it. Sorry for goin' so hard--o-on you."
"No. You fought honorably." Chloe closed her eyes. "It almost redeems your tribe...for their despicable actions against my brother."
"Wasn't me who killed him." His breathing was labored now, his words choked. "Can't imagine that's much of a consolation, though."
"Dishonor is passed from parent to child," Chloe recited. "It shouldn't--doesn't matter who did the deed."
"Yeah," Moses murmured. "We both learned that one a long time ago, huh?"
"It's--important. An important law."
"I wasn't arguin'. You gotta do the right thing, for your tribe...or your family or whatever. Right?"
"Mm." With great effort, Moses raised his head off the ground, keeping it there just long enough to glance at her before letting it flop back down onto the sand. "Hey, Chloe?"
"You're kinda...fuzzy."
"You are too, Sandor," Chloe murmured thickly. She closed her eyes again.