Ships: All (non-pirate) players now have the ability to pilot derelict or captured ships. Two requirements must be met in order to commandeer a ship.
1) These vessels must be unmanned in order to acquire them.
2) The vessel must be of the types: Privateer, Fishing Skiff, Passenger Barge.
AFter a vessel si commandeered, it may be piloted under the command of the new Captain until it is docked, and the captain abandons the dock area. Captured ships may be sold for a profit, but do not fetch as much as a legally acquired ship.
The Outlaw class now has the ability to commandeer two additional ships to those mentioned above. Outlaws may capture Cutters and schooners. The same rules apply to these two vessels, with the exception of the Schooner, which may be crewed. If the Schooner is crewed with non player characters, the Outlaw may leave the ship at Dock without losing it.
Medium and Large shis may now tow a single vessels back to a harbor. No special rig is required to complete this action; While doing so, however they recieve a -2 to speed and take +15% damage from all attacks. The derelict vessel may be manned at the order of the Pirate by Players and NPCs, but may not move during combat. If a towed vessel is destroyed or sunk, there is a 50% chance that ti will capcize the towing vessel.
Once at dock, towed vessels may be repaired at 75% of the full price or sold for a profit.
Chapter 4 plays host to the Kumori Clan of Dragon Riders, as well as their enemies, the Terasails. In response to the heavy potential for Dragonic combat, All Dragons may be equipped with mountable weapons and armor (alla Pirate Ship). Each Dragon may mount only one weapon and one armor unit.
Like Pirate Vessels, Dragonic Siege Weaponry may only be fired at mass targets.
Starting in chapter 4, some of you may be lucky enough to meet your Elite Profession Master. (Libraian, Titan, Specialist) S/he will promt you to complete your training within your class, in order to unlock new skills and feats. Doing so will require ytou to perform mission based tasks and challenges; Completing them all will earn you a class sigil, which in turn, ahs 2 benefits.
1) Cross-Classing. Yes. You may begin to learn cross-class skills.
2) A unique elite feat based upon your class.
Unique Feats:
Summoner: Summon Bestial Construct
Priest: Summon Deity
Mage: Xenojian (Antimatter) Casting
Heretic: Summon Fallen
Necromancer: Affliction
Assassin: Ninjitsu
Cleric: Sacrifice
Druid: Temperance
Dragon-Master: Hyrbid Breeding
Illusionist: Torment
Monk: Mana Projection
Outlaw: Gunplay
Paladin: Divine Might
Pirate: Hybrid Ship
Ranger: Infiltration
Rogue: Daggerplay
Warrior: Beserker
Earning a sigil, grants you the title of (Profession) Sigil in the title section of your character sheets. This title grants +100 to Mana, +50 to HP, and a 10% bonus to all attacks and spells inherent to a class.
For example: Dante unlocks Heretic's Sigil. Dante recieves 10% bonuses to all Heretic exclusive spells. New skills/feats unlocked via cross-classing may not recieve this bonus.
Yes, after your sigil is unlocked, you may begin to experiment in cross classing. Each master will offer you several options in which to train, you must complete 75% of them to unlock the Final Sigil.
The final sigil allows you 20% bonuses to all skills and attacks you possess. There are three types of Final Sigils, each with a seperate effect.
Doom Sigil: (Librarian Master) All spells cast have a 10% of casting Death on target enemy.
Infallible Sigil: (Titan Master) All attacks have a 10% chance of dealing 4x damage.
Potence Sigil: (Specialist Master) Mauneverability for Ships and Dragons is increased by 10. Accuracy and ranged damage is raised by 20%. Dhampir weapons have a 10% chance to inflict Mind Crush.
There can only be one master. They know this. When the time comes, one of you will have a chance to take the position as master, by defeating them in single combat. You have once chance a piece, per master, and only one master can reign at a time, and once dethroned, may not rule again.
A new permanent cursed state, available only to the High Elven class.
Bonuses: Magic: +25
Faith: +15
Mana: +100 Mana MAX
Mind Crush: Roll a d12. 1-4: Drain 10% Target Mana per level. 5-8: Drain 20% Target mana per level. 9-11: Target loses all mana. Deals amount lost in damage. 12: Target loses all mana and is killed instantly. Target yeilds no items or XP for an instant kill. Levels 1-4
Weaknesses: Sustaining combat damage also drains 50% of damage in Mana.
If mana is depleted, caharcter suffers weakness until Mana is above 0.
Druidic Magic deals 4x damage.