
Apr 17, 2007 14:44

Well, in response to the recent poll, I'd like to make an announcement. I'd actually think Elynrea would benefit if not one, but two of the classes mentioned before were added.

Thus, there are two new selectable classes for play/transfer.

The dragon-Master is a class which specializes in anything concerning dragons and their lore. The Dragon-Master can raise one of three types of Dragons, each with different stats and abilities, and can access an elite-feat for raising a fourth.

Land Dragons - Giant Serpents, Basalisks, and Cave/Sand Dragons. Cannot fly or use Magic, but have massve attack and HP bonuses and cast status effects, like Petrify.

Wyverns - Dragons with massive Wings, capable of flying. They have mediocre magic, medium HP and attack. Magic is Fire and Wind based.

River Dragons - Chinese style dragons. Capable of flying, swimming, and land dwelling. They have the lowest HP, but the most powerful magic. They can even use magic unusable by the master, including summons!!!!

Additoionally, the Dragon-Master has been trained in the arts of Dragonic Magic, and can also speak in Draconic, allowing them to communicate with wild dragons.

New Feats: Eldar Magic, Obsidian Magic, Dragon Raising, Draconic Kinship
New Stat: Contentment (which deals with the happiness of the dragon)

Sick and tired of being shut out from a city's Barracks and shops because of lack of faction points? Fine. Burn the city to the ground, and pillage its inhabitants! Have a long way to travel? Get there in style...or not...in a massive ship, armed with cannons and siege weaponry! And while you're going, pillage a boat or two!

Pirates are the ultimate outcasts, reaping and pillaging the countryside for goods. Pirates have the ability to raid shops and faction controlled buildings (for XP!). The lower the faction point, the more pillage a pirate gets! They can also sell and transport blackmarket goods, and of course, get their own, fully functional boat, capable of sailing down any river.

Boats can be equipped with various weapons and types of siege weaponry. While in port or nearby waters, Pirate vessels can attack other ships or the cities themselves. Bigger ships come with a crew of their own, but Pirate vessels can be manned by a Party based crew! For XP!!!! Also, boats can act as a combination item storage, Inn, and Fortress.

Pirates also have the ability to use Hand-Cannons at obsidiously close ranges, and can dual-wield different types of weapons (ie: ranged and melee)

New Feats: Pillage, Sailing, Crew Control, Siege Weaponry, Weaponskill: Multi-Wield

Ship based combat is similar to normal combat, save for a few details.
- Ships can only be damaged by Sea-monsters, Siege Weapons, and Bombs. An NPC character cannot singlehandedly destroy a Ship without one of these items.
- Likewise, Ships cannot target a single, Non-seamonster enemy with Siege Weapons. A Water-Drake can be hit with cannons, but Steve The Highwayman, lounging on a beach chair, cannot. Ships can target other ships, Coastal Towns, and Monsters. So if Steve goes into a building, he can be fired upon.
- Most Ships can only use one Siege Attack per turn.
- If two ships/enemies are within long range, Player ships can only attack with Siege Weaponry.
- If two ships/enemies are within close range, Players can use their own ranged weapons and spells in additon to Siege Weapons. Spells and Player Ranged attacks can attack enemy crew members. Crew members of player ships can also attack if equipped with weapons.
- If two ships are within close range, they may attempt a boarding if the enemy ship is below 40% HP. Boardings may also attempted if a ship has a Grappling Hook.
- Enemy ships drop loot like any other NPC.
- Fleeing a sea-battle takes two turns.
1) The first is a move turn, in which the fleeing ship attempts to outrun the attacking
ship/monster. During this turn, the fleeing ship may still fire its Siege Weapons at
the enemy, and the enemy may attack back. In order to outrun the enemy, the fleeing
ship must roll higher than the attacker.
2) The ship takes a Flee action, which is calculated normally.
- If a Player's ship is destroyed, s/he can have it repaired for a fee, or have it salvaged, which will give the player a compensation for losing his ship, provided s/he has a good faction standing with the nearest town. The higher the faction standing, the higher the compensation. 10 will probably be a full refund.

With the coming of new professions comes the advent of new factions. Again, faction points allow players to buy certain items and use certain vendors in town, as well as gain access to certain benefits.

Faction Points are rated on a scale of -1 to 10

0 and you are generally hated by the faction, and will be killed on sight, if you step foot into a faction controlled territory. Generally, you will not be hunted outside of Faction territory.

5 is a neutral standing. You are not hated, but you can't represent the faction or get access to its goods.

10 and you are considered a hero of the faction and can access any feature the group offers.

-1 is a special score reserved only for Pirates or Outlaws. If a Pirate or Outlaw player is discovered smuggling Supplies, they will be branded a Smuggler, and will be hunted by Faction Bounty Hunters. Despite this, the Pirate/Outlaw will get a bonus to all pillaging stats/Bounty Hunting they do as a result of their "Fame."

Faction War: If you are involved positivly with a faction, you can serve in any faction based battles that your group participates in. Fighting in these battle will win you very good XP, as well as faction points; Just be wary that you may very well face a fellow player in combat!

Checking Faction Status: If you have any questions about your standing with a Faction, check in a local Barracks. See me for a Faction Sheet (in a few days...) to keep track of this.

Current Factions:

Good: Coalition of Light, Ashmir, Basten Town, Castle Fyr, Alliance, People's Militia.

Neutral: Assassin's Guild, Thieves' Guild, Pirates Coalition, Mage's Guild, Summoner's Circle

Bad: Circle of Darkness, Abbadon's Clergy, Inseriun, The Vampire Coven

Well that was fun!
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