Title: A Natural Progression
Author: Lily (
Rating: T
Genre: Humour, Friendship, slight Romance
Characters: Norma (first person narrative) and references to every ToL character imaginable
Pairings: Norma + Chloe friendship, Senel/Shirley, possible Walter/Chloe(yes Walter), allusions to Jay/Moses
Spoilers: Setting is post-game; three years later,
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Comments 4
Haha writing Walter/Chloe is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I'm tempted to go in an entirely different route, pairing-wise, but we shall see...
Also, WalterxChloe would be so romantic~~♥ And very interesting! It's like angsty tsundere boy x reckless tsundere girl! omigad, you're my new inspiration~~ I demand more of this!!! *fanart of WalterxChloe, anyone? :D*
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