Pendragon Red (Epilogue)

Dec 15, 2011 00:10

Title: Pendragon Red (Epilogue)
Author: talesofyesac
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 30,583
Characters/Pairings: Merlin, Arthur (gen)
Warnings/Spoilers: Character death (minor), violence
Summary: Camelot is overrun by a group of magic users after Uther refuses to negotiate with them. Oddly, the only things they seem to want from Camelot are Arthur... and Merlin. His ( Read more... )

rating: pg-13, fandom: merlin, fiction: pendragon red, length: multiparter, character: arthur, character: merlin, type: gen

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Comments 28

laurose8 December 15 2011, 16:47:57 UTC
Thank you for an excellent fic. Both Arthur and Merlin are outstandingly well done. You give much of their back story gracefully, but have them set just right in their current time and place.

Comgratulations on doing both so well; but, most of all, writing a very good story.


talesofyesac December 17 2011, 01:13:21 UTC
Thanks very much! I'm always very grateful to hear that people found my characterization believable. It's my favorite part about writing, but it's also the thing I worry most about getting wrong.


arisprite December 18 2011, 02:19:52 UTC
Wow, this was an amazing story! You wrote the grief of Uther's sudden death in Arthur perfectly, as well as the Arthur's need for Merlin to live, as the only person left. It was lovely, and I really enjoyed it!


talesofyesac December 18 2011, 04:28:29 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed! I definitely didn't want to underplay the importance of Uther's death and the effects that had on everything else. It always bothers me in the show when there's very little emotional backlash for a lot of the really traumatizing stuff that happens to the characters. If I'm going to watch them all hurt and upset, I want me some emotional trauma that leads to h/c!


destina December 18 2011, 07:46:23 UTC
This story is totally wonderful. Both POVs are fantastic, and Arthur in this is beautifully written - his repressed grief, and his fixation on Merlin staying alive, no matter the cost. I love their relationship in this - how clear it is that Arthur would give everything for Merlin, and vice versa. The reveal of Merlin's magic is also terrific, because Arthur sends him to bed and comes to terms with it, as best he can, in a very mature manner, befitting a nascent king. I love how they are both smart and capable and so well-defined in this story. Absolutely excellent. Thank you for a great read.


talesofyesac December 19 2011, 04:02:18 UTC
Thanks so much! What I absolutely love about the relationship between these two is just how ridiculously complicated it is, what with the difference in social station and personality and just... everything. I loved playing around with all that in this story, and I'm very pleased you think I succeeded in doing it all justice.

P.S. I also really appreciate your other comment. "Reigns" *facepalm*. I have no excuse. Thanks for catching it... and being ridiculously sweet by deleting it and letting me save face. Reigns. Seriously? Pretty sure I should have mastered homonyms in grade school...


paradox18 December 18 2011, 10:28:49 UTC
This was just beautiful


talesofyesac December 19 2011, 04:02:36 UTC
Awww, thanks! :)


reni_m December 18 2011, 23:11:55 UTC
This was very cool!
Great job.


talesofyesac December 19 2011, 04:03:05 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed! :)


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