I picked just one type of art that gave me the most pleasure this year. Although I did some
manips I really loved. I know every one loves porn but, what I was proud of as a whole,
last year were the bookcovers of 2007. It was the first time I had done so many and I really loved them/I think having to do a combination of manip work and blends/overlays, line and shape
art work and making great use of font to make them visually appealing, made it
challenging and fun ...and besides the fact I (hoped) I would make someone's day. I thinks
it's why I find icon making addictive. It tedious but what you can try to do in a
100x100 px square is fun frustrating and challenging.I think that's why I swear "never to do them again" so them so much.=)
*click on pics to enlarge*
I love them all, but this has got to be my favorite from the sv harlequin romance challenge.
This was a companion piece to the cover.
Lets see some honorable mentions and much to the dismay of some, I tend to veer towards soft artsy suggestive manips than pure porn.=)
I'll see what I can do in 2008.Can't promise, I gotta be me=)
The one that PB deleted not once but twice. How could they resist sexy ROG!=)
My first foray in to visual spn.
My first foray into sga!
My attempted of aging up HP. I like the way it turned out.
I loved the mood of this one.First thing in the morning Lex, very unselfconscious=).
I just lover the color contrast in this Lex smoky and sexy!
Last but not least , Trying to do a morph of what Lillian Luthor would have looked like.It turned out surprisingly pretty. Lex be pretty!
My favorite lj layout of 2007
That was just a few highlights of some of the art of 2007.....if you want to see more just back track or use tags.... oh don't forget the hundreds and hundreds of icons! I seemed to be more graphic oriented towards the end of 2007. =)
28 comments- 01/09/08