Title: A Little Revenge
talisa_ahnPairing: None. Just Koyama/Shige friendship
Genre: Humor... attempted anyway
Disclaimer: ... I think we've been over this many times before... I own nothing.
Rating: PG
Summary: Koyama has some fun with Shige’s newly found hotness and it requires some payback in return.
Shige yawned as he watched the various people pass by. He glanced at his watch for what felt like the 50th time in the last couple of minutes. ‘Where the hell is Kei?’
Bothe he and Koyama were at the airport, preparing to fly to California to meet up with the other members for a photo shoot. Why they had to fly all the way to Los Angeles for a couple of pictures was really beyond him, but really, when did the idols of JE ever get a say in anything?
Looking around the sitting area again, he once more wondered where his best friend could be. The older boy had complained about being hungry and had run off to buy food, leaving Shige to watch their carry-on bags.
He clutched his stomach as it growled. ‘Hmm… maybe Kei will get me food too.’
His thoughts of food were rudely interrupted by a large hand tapping him on the shoulder. Shige looked up to see the most outrageously dressed, gay, fat man he’d ever encountered in his life. He was obviously a foreigner, maybe in his 30s, wearing an obscenely bright pink shirt and a pair of jeans that had to be at least 2 sizes too small. “Hai?”
“I’m so sorry honey,” he said with a heavy accent. “I just had to tell you that you are the hottest guy I’ve seen in, like, forever.”
Shige just stared. “Excuse me?”
“God honey!” he said laughing. “Don’t be so modest.”
All he could think was, ‘Please go away, please go away, PLEASE go away.’
The man gestured to the seat across from him. “Is this seat taken?”
Shige dumbly looked at the chair before brightening in realization. “Yes. Yes it is. My boyfriend should be coming back any second.”
He laughed. “Geez Mary. You don’t have to make boyfriend you know,” he said, sitting down anyway.
He knew his face was extremely red, but there was nothing he could do about it. He could not have felt any more embarrassed by the situation. “I didn’t make it up. Here he comes now.”
The man looked up as Koyama approached the table, a bag of food in his hand. He gave the Japanese boy a glance over. “Ooo… You’re cute too, but not as good looking as this one.”
Koyama looked at his best friend in confusion. “What’s going on?”
“Well, sweetie,” Shige began. “This gentleman didn’t believe me when I told him that I was already taken.”
Koyama looked between this intruder and Shige. A smile spread across his face and the younger boy somehow knew he was going to have to look for a new best friend. Koyama turned to the gaijin and said, “Oh no, we’re not together anymore. He’d single.”
As the man took this as an open invitation to continue lavishly hitting on Shige, Koyama could not hide the glee on his face at the look of complete embarrassment and horror on his (hopefully still) best friend.
Suddenly, Shige cut the guy off. “We have to go, or else we’ll miss our flight,” he said quickly before grabbing his bag and dragging Koyama with him, the older boy still trying to shove the remaining food into his mouth.
Once he felt they were a safe distance away, Shige slapped Koyama over the head. “You jerk! We had an agreement. If someone ugly as shit hits on one of us, the other is supposed to pretend to be his boyfriend!”
Koyama only laughed harder.
“And to make things worse,” Shige said, stabbing at his dinner. “Guess who walked onto the plane after us.”
Tegoshi gasped. “No!”
“Yep. He was all like, ‘God honey! I guess we’re both going to the same place. How about I show you around?’” Shige shuddered. “I swear. This guy has completely killed any sexual drive I once had.”
The youngest member of NewS laughed. “So what’d you do to Kei-chan?”
“We went to a club, he was dancing with some random girl, I found the ugliest guy there, and told him I’d buy the rest of his night’s drinks if he’d hit on Kei for the next hour.” He deserved some sort of revenge after all.
A/N: Comments are <3