It's time for the Big Bang, baby! Whoohoo!!!! The
svbigbang website has launched, and it is the most amazing and gorgeous thing ever. Wow. My congratulations to
teot for masterminding and organizing this venture, and to
voldything for the web design, and big thanks to all of the writers and artists who helped make it a reality. Here's the link: For my part, I made a vid trailer for
garryowen's wonderfully action-packed story, "Last, Best Hope." I tried to pick up on most of the themes of the story, but I did take some liberties. :D This is my first time using non-Smallville source, and I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out. Many, many thanks, as always, to my wonderful betas
bop_radar and
chimosa. You guys make me a better vidder. *hugs* Additional note: Since I am making these vids purely for fun, I am not looking for criticism, constructive or otherwise. Thanks for understanding.
Song: Mona Lisa Overdrive
Artist: Juno Reactor
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Summary: Vid trailer for
garryowen's story "Last, Best Hope"
Last, Best Hope, 12MB wmv Click to download.
Streaming on YouTube:
Last, Best Hope Please do not re-distribute direct link. If you'd like, you can direct people to this page or Also, DO NOT repost vids to any other site (YouTube, MySpace, etc.)
Big Bang banner by
Previous vids:
Sexy Back: Clark/Lex, Lana-as-Third-Wheel
Don't Cha: Clark/Lex, Lex/Lana
Clear the Area: Clark/Lex
Hey Mickey!: Chloe/Clark
Because the Night: Clark/Lex
Eyes: Clark/Lex
All for Believing: Clark/Lex
The Company of Men: Clark/Lex
Somebody That I Used to Know: Clark/Lex
Fearless: Alexander/Clark