New Vid: "Stunna Glasses"--Invisible Man (Darien/Bobby)

Oct 18, 2008 19:16

Years after the fact, and only thanks to the miracle of the belated DVD release of season one of The Invisible Man, I have twigged to the epic slashiness of the Darien Fawkes/Bobby Hobbes relationship. They are a truly odd couple, but they are in LURVE, people. *happysighs*

This one goes out to the good folk at hot_donuts who are keeping the love alive. Also, I'd like to give a special shout-out to the person on my friendslist who shared the song. dawnybee, was it you again?

Song: Stunna Glasses at Nite
Artist: Federation ft. E-40
Fandom: The Invisible Man
Pairing: Darien Fawkes/Bobby Hobbes
Summary: Darien and Bobby: cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.
Spoiler warnings: Clips primarily from season 1. I think I only used one episode from season 2.

Stunna Glasses, 102MB WMV file.
Stunna Glasses, 79MB AVI (XVid) file. Click to download.

Streaming: You can find this vid at YouTube here: Stunna Glasses.

Please do not re-distribute any of the direct download links. Also, DO NOT repost my vids anywhere (YouTube, MySpace, etc.). The AVI file should play fine on Windows Media Player, but if not, you can always download the handy-dandy VLC Player. Additional note: Since I am making these vids purely for fun, I am not looking for criticism, constructive or otherwise. Thanks for understanding.

Vidder's notes: Many thanks to jackiekjono for audiencing. She rightly alerted me to the fact that the rapid-fire POV shifts in this vid can be disorienting. I didn't really remedy that problem in the final draft, so consider yourself warned. This is a signature Talitha vid, high in flashy movement, low in "meaning". I suppose I should feel apologetic about that, but. Eh. I likes 'em that way.

Thanks to regann for the awesome Darien/Bobby icons.

Previous vids:
Summer Love: The O.C. Seth/Ryan
Hummingbird Pneumonia: Eureka ensemble vid
Money Maker: Psych Gus/Shawn
Sundrenched World: Clark/Lana
Objection (Tango): Clark/Lex
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home): Clark/Lex
James Bonde: Kara Zor-El character vid
Cobrastyle: Lex Luthor character vid
Baby, It's a Fact: Kyle/Declan (Kyle XY)
Short Skirt/Long Jacket: Lois Lane character vid
Faster Kill Pussycat: Chloe/Lana
This House: Clark/Lex
Chicago: Clark/Oliver, Ensemble
Sexy Back: Clark/Lex, Lana-as-Third-Wheel
Don't Cha: Clark/Lex, Lex/Lana
Also, all Smallville vids can be found under this tag.

music vid

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