Dolls. Again.

Apr 08, 2013 14:02

- Dolls. Ack! (Alternatively... Ack. Dolls ( Read more... )

doll babble

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Comments 46

resin_angels April 8 2013, 05:55:51 UTC
I've been on and off dolls lately but like you have just had a spending spree lately on new dolls, oops! Must be something in the air lol.

You can still buy Feeple 60 girls or boys through Fairylands A La Carte system I thought the same as you when I was wanting a white Miyu (hopefully will order later this year), anyway after some digging around I found you could order what head, hands body etc you wanted.

Maybe for the waistcoat corset try kawaii mon :o)

Dolls, shoes & cats..... What more in life could you want ;o)


talithax April 8 2013, 23:25:36 UTC
Aaah... The Fairyland a la carte system is interesting to know - thank you for pointing it out. It's just a pity though that Fairyland still prices on the... well... higher side.

I found it... interesting... that the price of Claus & Nina (pre face-ups & thanks to the strange 25% discount) together was probably close to what I paid for my first Delf all those years ago.

It definitely sounds as though the stars have aligned in terms of rekindled doll interest! ::g::

And... You're so right. Dolls, cats and shoes. What more could one possibly want?!


2metaldog April 8 2013, 11:50:02 UTC
Dolls are like any addiction. You think you're done with it but you somehow end up dragged back in. You may be sure that you're not going to cater to the little wallet vampires again. Then you see something and you're right back where you started.

I thought I was done (at least pairing wise) when I ordered my DZ Edward in December (whom I'm still waiting on because RD is sloooooooow and one of their mecha arms is part of my MoC order). Then I spotted a doll I thought lost to me forever while on eBay while looking for a specific wig. I waffled for a week and then bought said doll (which should be coming in sometime this month *crosses fingers*). I said I was done. I was sure I was done. Then the floating head I've had since I got my first doll spoke up very clearly and... there will be another 2 dolls in my future *sigh*.


talithax April 8 2013, 23:22:48 UTC
I honestly thought I was safe from the damn things. I mean, I was happy enough to have them -- even if I did feel sorry for how dusty and neglected they'd become -- but the interest just seemed to have totally left me.

Now though, it's like the last three years never happened!

Congrats on having a new arrival this month. I'd foolishly forgotten how much the waiting period sucks!

(I'm motivated now, God damn it!!)


2metaldog April 8 2013, 23:34:11 UTC
The wait for RD is painful. They're running at a 5-6 month time period and apparently it doesn't matter if it's just a part or a full doll *sigh*. Unfortunately for me, I need this mecha arm for the character and RD is the only one who makes what I need (of course).


talithax April 9 2013, 01:04:36 UTC
5-6 months??? Eeeeep.

I'm narky enough thinking it'll be at least 2 months wait from Luts!


seraphim_grace April 8 2013, 15:19:30 UTC
weird coincidence, I was just working on a tute to make corsets in a new way for 60cm girls
I have no idea where to buy things anymore, I just make them, I've gotten quite good at it too.
It sounds like you're going to have to commission sweetie, I think I have some brown faux microsuede as well.

Leave this with me, if I can pull it off, I'll send it to you, but no promises, kk
my workshop is in total disarray atm
you need pants too, right?, and a jacket. for the gretel look
this costume right


talithax April 8 2013, 23:19:32 UTC
The doll sites (when I can remember which ones I used to use) are... almost... fascinating in regards to how little their stock has changed in my three year... absence.

If you could have a go at making an olive green (or, really, a darkish green of any description in whatever material) corset-vest-top (I don't even know what to call it!) I would be extremely grateful and would of course happily pay.

I've got, what looks online to be quite perfect, anyway, a pair of dark brown leather(ette) pants coming from China, but the jacket would be the next thing on my list to hunt for.

And... ::nods:: That is indeed the costume. The corset is a work of art as it laces at the back too. Seriously though, I'd be happy with something quite basic so long as the colour was quite close.

I tell you... What I haven't missed about the dolls is the wait. It's one thing being all enthused and biting the bullet in respect to making the order, but once that... excitement... is out of the way you're just stuck with the tedious wait.


seraphim_grace April 8 2013, 23:45:35 UTC
the front is easy, the problem with the back is making it a functional lacing, which might not happen ( ... )


talithax April 9 2013, 01:03:56 UTC
I've actually got his... more or less... sorted (it laces up as opposed to buckles, but it's brown and I'm thinking it'll... do - as I'm not expecting miracles here! I've got a coat too, but it's not leather and the only thing that really sold me on it is that its collar stands up! Yeah, yeah. Clutching at straws here ( ... )


seraphim_grace April 10 2013, 01:55:53 UTC
oh i meant to say if you get the opportunity when in england, get ringtons to deliver a teafuser
it's the best invention EVER
it's a thing that sits beside the mug, you add tea and then water and let it brew, then you put it on the cup and it filters the tea into the cup, and you just wash it out (like a teapot) to use again. It's amazing! it's brilliant for loose tea where you're not making enough to warrant a pot.
I know you, you're as much of a teabelly as I am, you come over here for the tea
(also their Organic China Rose is so yummy, I think I keep our local delivery girl in business just with that)
they're odd because they don't sell in stores and they deliver door to door, but it's worth it. I think they ship internationally now, but if it's in the uk it's free postage (it just takes ages because it goes out with the door to door stuff)


talithax April 10 2013, 03:51:39 UTC
Er... Is now the time to cautiously confess to, well, not actually drinking tea? At all. Apparently my grandmother gave me tea when I was very, very young and that was just that. Same goes for my father letting me think Guinness was Coke (very funny, indeed) when I was very young as, again, that was just that and I don't drink alcohol because I can't stand the taste ( ... )


seraphim_grace April 10 2013, 04:00:00 UTC
I could have sworn blind you were a tea belly
i have to drink guinness because i'm anaemic and iron intolerant and it's the only way to get it into me, i hate the stuff, I can remember being chased around the house being told it was time to drink it.

I like Joss Whedon's dialogue, he's very good at natural and snarky but his stories aren't great at all. I must admit to liking teen wolf which surprised me because s1 is quite dire, no that's not fair, it's about a lot of kids who could be replaced with bags of sand but it's well written, and then it kicks and you find characters who are not quite so bag of sand like.

I just became a craft queen, I get bored and it keeps my hands busy, so... it made sense, i managed to get it so it could fund itself so it works for me.
i tried to read twilight, i did, so i could be honest about it, i couldn't finish it, it was so bad.


talithax April 11 2013, 04:35:52 UTC
Sorry for the delay in replying - I appear to have a virus and have been feeling crappy enough to be avoiding the computer...

Anyhoo! I have, even if it is solely FYI taken a couple of pics of, well, Gretel's back for you...

... )


tisha_san April 13 2013, 16:57:34 UTC
Hello again :) Just dropping in again to say, yay! to you being enthused by dollies again. Curious as to what you ordered from Dream of Doll? I bought some boots from them recently because I'd forgotten how big DOD feet are and my Elf Ducan didn't have any shoes. I also ordered a mohair wig that has turned out to be one of the strangest wigs I've ever received. Oh well, maybe my Yeon-Ho will wear it - he's an adventurous boy. Anyhow, hope your wait for arrivals isn't too long!


talithax April 14 2013, 02:20:10 UTC
I ordered a long black coat and... no doubt pointless... pair of fingerless gloves from DOD. (And, of course, the more difficulty I had with checking out -- I couldn't for the life of me get it to accept my Visa card -- the more determined I become in regards to getting the damn order placed! Luckily they let me use Paypal in the end...)

Ack... I think I'm about to place an order with Iplehouse for 'stuff' too. ::rolls eyes:: Seriously. If you're going to do something, in this case have a sudden, random BJD resurgence, you may as well do a good job of it! That said, I swear my bank account hasn't missed the money sucking little vampires.

(It just... kills me... knowing that everything's probably going to arrive while I'm in England! Aaaargh! Talk about timing!)

It's kinda amazing how, after three years, very little appears to have changed on most of the doll sites. Mind you, shipping appears to have gone up even further!

... Why is the mohair wig so strange?


tisha_san April 14 2013, 09:10:40 UTC
DOD's payment system is impossible to use. It kept telling me my card was invalid when it wasn't and eventually they told me to use Paypal as well.

The wig shed straight out of the bag and I still haven't figured out a way to put it on a doll that it looks even okay. I will try again next weekend, perhaps.

Yeah, postage is a shocker, esp in the US, where I think their postal charges shot up to almost double overnight :( Still it cost me $100+ to get my Volks body from the UK so...yeah *sigh*

Speaking of the UK, when do you head off?


talithax April 15 2013, 03:07:24 UTC
The credit card check out was doing my head in. On the *third* computer I'd tried I was able to get it to flash up the People's Choice verifcation and then... nothing! OMG! So freakin' frustrating ( ... )


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