Jon Stewart and Fox News at the summit of Mount Fib

Jun 22, 2011 17:24

Jon Stewart made his first appearance on a Sunday morning political show, appearing on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace (incidentally one of the lowest rated Sunday morning shows; Meet the Press with David Gregory is the highest rated). During the course of his interview, Stewart said "Who are the most consistently misinformed media viewers? … Fox viewers, consistently, every poll." Turns out Stewart was wrong according to Politifact (a website that checks politicians/ electoral candidates' statements, but also will analyze media coverage of specific news stories). While it was true that in two surveys, Fox News viewers were the least informed and in some others "merely near the bottom," but Politifact noted that on some specific news stories-- Fox News viewers viewers were occasionally more informed that Daily Show viewers (but not other media outlets). So ultimately, Politifact declared Stewart's statement "False." Stewart made a public apology, saying it would be highly irresponsible not to issue a correction in good faith.

Stewart then spent part of his latest program pointing out PolitiFact has found questionable several statements aired by the Fox News Channel - including two PolitiFact National lies of the year and a 2010 Pants-on-Fire statement about banishing Christmas from Texas textbooks. Stewart termed his survey the ascent of Mount Fib. As Stewart listed each item, a motion graphic appeared under him, with the list eventually became so long it crowded his face out of the camera shot.

Less than 10 percent of President Obama's cabinet has worked in private sector jobs - Glenn Beck. FALSE.

White House political director was once right-hand man to Acorn. FALSE.

Texas Board of Education planned to removed references to Christmas and the United States constitution from text books FALSE.

Health care reform is a government take-over of health care. FALSE. LIE OF THE YEAR FOR 2010.

Muslim brotherhood wants to declare war on Israel (Glenn Beck). FALSE.

American troops have never been under the formal control of another nation (Karl Rove) FALSE.

Republican Florida governor Rick Scott's approval ratings are up. FALSE.

Massachusett's health care plan is 'widely unpopular' among state residents (Laura Ingraham). FALSE.

There has been more debt under President Obama than all other presidents combined (Sarah Palin). FALSE.

Health care bill includes death panels (Sarah Palin). FALSE. 2009 LIE OF THE YEAR.

Cash for clunkers program will give government access to your personal computer (Glenn Beck). FALSE.

Halting oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico will cost 8 billion a day (Sarah Palin). FALSE. PANTS ON FIRE AWARD.

Democrats are planning the largest tax increase in the history of the United States (Sarah Palin). PANTS ON FIRE AWARD.

United States Attorney General Eric Holder dismissed charges against Black Panthers (Bill O'Reilly). FALSE.

Senator Obama voted "present" quite often while in Congress. FALSE.

President Obama's science czar proposed forced abortions and sterilization drugs in drinking water (Glenn Beck). FALSE. PANTS ON FIRE AWARD

Andy Stein, labor union president, is most frequent White House visitor (Glenn Beck). FALSE.

America is the only country in the world that grants full citizenship on birth. FALSE.

Bill O'Reilly never called George Tiller a baby-killer, only reported what others said about him. FALSE.

Only Fox News covered Anita Dunn's admiration of Mao (Bill O'Reilly). FALSE.

No one at Fox News suggested you could face jail time if you didn't buy health insurance (Bill O'Reilly). FALSE. PANTS ON FIRE AWARD.

I also thought after seeing the Stewart interview with Chris Wallace (1.) he's incredibly fast on his feet in interviews (2.) One of the most talented comic wits in the league of Mort Sahl, or Lenny Bruce or even George Carlin. (3.) Has arrived at his stated goal of aspiring to be like Mark Twain and Will Rodgers (4.) Stewart's comment's on how movement conservatives can't and will never understand that political ideology isn't the only thing that motivates everyone else ("Hollywood, the press") unlike conservatives -- which is why Chris Wallace will never "get" Stewart.

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