Apr 05, 2009 05:06
Okay folks I'm conducting an informal poll here and I'd appreciate it if everyone would participate. The question is very simple but the answers will (hopefully) vary a great deal. In short, I want to see how diverse our community has become for reasons that I'll explain later.
How would you describe your political views?
Try to keep it as short as possible, but I understand that most of us have fairly complex beliefs that aren't easily described with one or two monikers.
There's one rule about this, and I can't believe I'm asking this but I have my reasons. Please, NO ONE comment on someone else's views. Let me repeat: NO REPLIES TO ANYONE WHO PARTICIPATES IN THIS POLL. Even if you agree, especially if you don't.
While I consider myself a free speech purist I want honest and upfront answers from everyone, and some won't if they feel they're going to get shit for answering this question. Self-revelation isn't easy for everyone, nor is trying to sum up your views in as few words as possible. If people disregard this rule I will start deleting and then filtering comments, it means that much to me. I don't want it to come to that, I don't think I'm asking for too much here, and chances are I'll never ask this again.
Like I said I'll give the reasons for all this later, but I need for as many of you as possible to participate and to be honest in answering the question. I'll start with my answer:
I'm strongly liberal in most regards, with a few centrist values and I tend to agree with conservatives on one issue but for different reasons. I object to the violent spread of Islam and the brutal human rights violations that it encourages throughout the world, especially toward women, gays, and those who aren't Islamic.
Simple as that. If you need more words to describe then go ahead, but it would be nice if the first few words can be the general stance followed by the details. Please, be on your best behavior, I don't ask for it often but I'm asking for it now.
Aaaaaannnnd GO!
EDIT: 2 comments already deleted. If you don't want to participate then don't, but then please stay out of this thread.