slat 1 /slæt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [slat] Show IPA noun, verb, slat⋅ted, slat⋅ting. Use slat in a Sentence See images of slat Search slat on the Web -noun 1. a long thin, narrow strip of wood, metal, etc., used as a support for a bed, as one of the horizontal laths of a Venetian blind, etc. 2. Aeronautics. a control surface along the leading edge of a wing that can be extended forward to create a gap (slot) to improve airflow. 3. slats, Slang. a. the ribs. b. the buttocks. c. (initial capital letter) a nickname for a tall, slender man. -verb (used with object) 4. to furnish or make with slats.
Comments 6
1 /slæt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [slat] Show IPA noun, verb, slat⋅ted, slat⋅ting.
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1. a long thin, narrow strip of wood, metal, etc., used as a support for a bed, as one of the horizontal laths of a Venetian blind, etc.
2. Aeronautics. a control surface along the leading edge of a wing that can be extended forward to create a gap (slot) to improve airflow.
3. slats, Slang.
a. the ribs.
b. the buttocks.
c. (initial capital letter) a nickname for a tall, slender man.
-verb (used with object)
4. to furnish or make with slats.
Yup, she's totally a slat. :|
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