...Was Boothy's birthday. I went into town early, but decided against the tongue stretch cos it was £7 and I wanted lots of money for going out. So I ended up waiting for everyone for AGES with Bedza's little sister, Jane [hehe Bex] and she told me she's having trapese classes, like on the BBC advert where the guys twirl down that ribbon, you know
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So I sensed how much you're all dying to see me again so I thought I would treat you all. [/sarcasm]. Nah, not really, I just wanted to show off my new shoes and decided to throw in a couple of me because I have a question to ask. Thanks. ( here )
[*/.Miss. Tr.ash._ /.] -:: [ =^ .. ^= RAINBOW KITTY. ] ::- says: thats so weird. my whole life is made up of vague memories of things that happened that were of no importance whatsoever
It's 10 past 2 apparently. Oh lord. I have had a mint day wirth Scott, we are friends cos he buys me stuff haha. I'm rather pissed. I#m talking to Biffle, SHES SO CLASS okay sriously she is clas i thinks hes shes so funnnny. BEAUTIFUL1 okay um haha. sex
dan is giving me goggles tomorrow. YAY GOOGLES/. THE ENEDS.