Ladies and Gentleman -and the dubious in-betweens-! With you, the one and only,
Zatanna Zatara!!
*confeti falls on everyone*
Uh. S'yeah, the soon to be less liked magical girl in Fandom, let's get to it.
Immediate Background:
This one's pretty short, actually, as Zatanna comes as a 16 years old girl, instead of getting herself de-aged by some spell gone wrong (not that I hadn't thought about it). So far in her cannon, she has been present in the Wayne's funeral -where she met Bruce for the first and only time for her-, traveled the world with Daddy Giovanni Zatara, and got cursed by Allura so she can't ever ever ever find Daddy. So Zatanna spent a season roaming through her magical books in Shadowcrest, which is the family house situated in another dimension, and from what she managed to understand, she didn't get a single thing. That's why she decided to come over to Fandom; with so many different people, there ought to be some sort of breaking the curse, and learning new shiny tricks as she goes.
For reference, Zatanna hasn't joined the JLA just yet, which means she hasn't even met Raven, doesn't know about her, the fact she's very very evil, or has had the chance to kick her out because she's a threat to everyone. Or something. Won't stop people to at her with some contained fury though. But hey, all for the drama llama. So she doesn't know anyone from DC besides Bruce, and she doesn't even know that he is the Goddamn Batman. She has seen the superheroes and everything, but, as I said, hasn't interacted with themmjust yet. That'll happen some time after she enters Fandom.
Her magic tricks:
Zatanna is a Homo Magi, or like they like to call themselves, the Hidden Ones. She's aware of this, but she doesn't really address herself as any of those; she's even listed as a human most of the times, so one's gotta doubt...
But anyway, it's clear she got whatever genes from her mother, Sindella, a Hidden One in all her right; Zatanna's ability to cast magic come from her genes (magical mutant someone?). And what does Zatanna's magic allow her to do? Pretty much anything, as long as some conditions are fulfilled:
1. She must be able to focus, usually a good deal if whatever spell she's making is not of a basic level.
2. Most of her spells need a focus, that is her backwards speech; while speaking like that doesn't represent a problem for her -she could talk like that the whole day-, she has to find the right combination of words to match the effect of her spell; it could be one word, or an entire sentence. She obviously needs to be able to finish the spell, or else it just won't happen.
3. Casting spells without a focus can be either very easy, or ridiculously taxing. Things like a very weak telepathy or telekinesis, and basic control of the elements won't take much of her -but will work a lot better if she uses a verbal command-, while doing actually strong magic will pretty much burn her reserves, leaving her devoid of magic for periods of time, not to mention ridiculously tired. She's more prone to do the strong awesome non verbal magic if she's engulfed in a strong emotion, and her confidence is high enough.
4. Which brings me to point four. In a very Spiderman sense, Zatanna's self confidence defines just how powerful she is. And at the moment she doesn't really think much of herself. If she were to break down, her magic would simply stop working. She needs to come to terms about a number of things -her being her father's daughter and a person on her own being perhaps the most important- before she can finale take a level in badass for good. Depending on how her relationships in Fandom go, she might get a better confidence, and hence use her magic with more proficiency.
On a matter of personality:
If you aren't a magic caster? You'll find her chatty, smart, slightly funny and overall easy-going. If you haz magics? She might be a bit intimidated, and she would surely want to know how your magic works, why it works, and how she can steal learn to do it herself; her magic could, maaaaaaaaaaaybe allow her to do some cheap copy of some spells of other magics, but really, she's not going to go doing that all the time. The least the best, I'd say. She has a long way to master her own magic anyway.
Zatanna has daddy issues. A shocker, I know. She's not particularly communicative in regards of her father or mother -who she thinks is dead, but actually faked her death-, and usually tries to live up her father's expectations. For her, she will never be better than him, and that sets her back quite a bit.
Questions, doubts, anything? I'll spare you the OCD, so just ask away!