last kiss: Halloween
last cigarette: I don't recall
last good cry: not too long ago
last library book checked out: Atheism, the case against god
last movie seen in a theatre: Donnie Darko the director's cut
last cuss word uttered: shit?
last beverage drank: soy eggnog (it's just as gross as it sounds"
last food consumed: yogurt
last phone call: Berg called
last tv show watched: I'm currently watching True Life
last shoes worn: tan and blue asics
last cd played: I haven't listened to music in a while
last item bought: food at Denny's with Berg
last thing downloaded: Team America soundtrack
last annoyance: Being in Texas
last disappointment: having to be in Texas
last soda drank: Dr. Pepper
last ice cream eaten: I have no idea
last time trippin on drugs?: drugs are bad for you
last time in love: no love'in for John
last time hugged: my mom today
last shirt worn: plain grey
last time dancing: I don't know
1 MINUTE AGO: filling out this quiz
1 HOUR AGO: watching tv
1 DAY AGO: sleeping
1. What do you most like about your body? my height
2. And least? my ears
3. How many fillings do you have? one
4. Do you think you're good looking? nothing to be proud of
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? no
First job: Grand Slam
first screen name: Flanman19
First funeral: my grandma
First pet: my cat mittens
First piercing: eye brow
First Kiss: Renay in FL
First one that mattered: Jenny kinda, and Laura
First Lust: I had a thing for Brynn and Stephine in elem school, I don't recall who I liked first
First love: no real love
First enemy: I don't really have one