(no subject)

Feb 25, 2006 19:53

natsume608: Insert witty retort here
IMFromKathlene: insert witty banter here
natsume608: Childish remark
IMFromKathlene: sex joke
natsume608: Astonishment...Change of subject
IMFromKathlene: obscure cultural reference
natsume608: Moralistic diatribe
natsume608: Awkward silence
IMFromKathlene: introduction to semi-philosophical topic
natsume608: Pensive nodding of head
IMFromKathlene: ruining of philosophical discussion with reference to either jeff bleeding nilism or Niezchie(sp?)'s mustache
natsume608: Kailer joke
IMFromKathlene: series of kailer math equations
natsume608: Giggling
IMFromKathlene: discussion of ways to kill kailer
IMFromKathlene: discussion of ways to kill self in kailer's class
natsume608: acknowledgment of futility of the public school system
IMFromKathlene: search for agenda followed by frantic countdown of days left in school for seniors
natsume608: existentialist joke
IMFromKathlene: drawing of gregor samsa and bernstein impersonation
natsume608: begging for ayn rand impression
IMFromKathlene: ayn rand impression; dissapointment
IMFromKathlene: kurt vonnegut and/or uncyclopedia quote
natsume608: Obscure Bible reference
IMFromKathlene: confusion
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