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harpergrey yet again! :D I am slowly becoming addicted...
To play, start by listing 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. When this is done, choose 10 people to be tagged and write their names at the bottom of your list. No tag backs! Those who get tagged then write their own 10-item list in their own journals. Be sure to include this set of rules.
This sounds actually pretty challenging.
1. I find that I am naturally very optimistic/bouncy. I can more than definitely get into a pessimistic/depressed or angry mood, but it rarely lingers for more than about three hours. (Usually it's my family that gets the worst of my bad mood, unfortunately... *cringes* Bad teenage hormones!)
2. I have a very strange liking for books I read/movies I watched/idols I had as a child. As soon as I re-discover them, I kind of become obsessed. ;) Ah, nostalgia... (The other day I discovered White Rabbit's Color Book on a nearby bookshelf, and I was immediately taken over by a childish squee-feeling. It was fun. Same with finding movies like Fievel goes West in our Movie-shelf of Boredom... Heh.)
3. I think I care too much about not following clothing fads. *cringes* It seems that fads follow me around. I really like trench coats, and I was happy when I found a few stores that carried them. Soon after that, trench coats and those London-y winter coats became extremely popular, and it irked me enough that I never did buy a coat like that for winter wear. *sighs* For some reason, I hate feeling like I'm going to be labeled a typical teen. It's a case of too-sensitive.
4. Music! I loooove music, and it's always been a part of my life (my family says that it didn't surprise them when I received a test result telling me that I had a muscial brain), yet I am such a sheltered child that I don't know much about bands/artists or music in pop culture... That tends to weird out some people. I want muchly to learn more about music (definitely), and to be able to listen to more artists, but I know that I can love the music without having all of the knowledge first. :)
5. I'm running out of stuff to write. Oh, how about some more music stuff -- I've noticed that when I'm doing busy work, like cleaning and the like, music helps me to keep going. I also need music when I'm doing artsy things. When I draw, I need a CD player in order to function properly and move my brain out of the way. (If my brain gets in the way of my art, what ever I'm working on usually turns into a horrific mess. ;)) But, when I need to do homework, I need total silence. Music sends me into the area of no-brain as aforementioned, and I really need my brain for homework. XD
6. I can sometimes tell where each family member is in my house by their sounds. (Footsteps, usually.) I'll be in my room, and by listening to the sounds in the stairwell or kitchen/hallway, I can tell who's there. (It's probably not that strange, but it amuses me how the noises of my family are different. Even the way they open/close doors is different.)
7. I lose weight from the top down. This is really useful! Once I can see my face starting to get rounder, I make a mental note to be careful. XD I also don't seem to have any changes in weight relating to mass -- It's usually just a visual thing. My weight hasn't changed in years (other than the random ten pounds I dropped right after I quit Karate O.o), which creeps me out, because my body has been doing the teenage changes and my weight should be all over the place.
8. I have an addictive personality! Hee! Usually it only involves a random word that I use all the time, or a snack food or video game, but I don't believe I'll be trying any drugs in the future. *grins*
9. I am a klutz...I run into random doorframes and assorted furniture on a daily basis. Heh. I'm sure that my death will be from an accident of some sort.
10. I can't think of anything, so I'll say this: I apparently have really small teeth in front. XD Of my teeth, each of the four foremost ones are about two millimetres skinnier than they are supposed to be. (Yeah, sounds so very critical and significant, ne? *laughs* Unfortunately, I seem to have some more mouth complications because of it. Dentistry is so weird.)
I don't feel like tagging anyone. :D
Heh. I got my hair cut again today. *dances with glee* It really needed a trim -- It was beginning to get annoying. So now it's waaay shorter. Hee!
Just a warning for
harpergrey and
learan. Please don't have a heart attack when I open the door. *laughs*