This Christmas Vacation has been lovely, despite the undying lameness of a Social essay. But I got it done on the 27th (hooray), while I was sick. *dies* Yeah, I got sick again. It prevented me from doing a lot, but this past un-sick week has been pretty jam-packed!
So, pretty much all I got to do for the first week was go to family gatherings (and try not to get my extended family sick), which was nice, and homework, which wasn't so nice.
After that, my babysitting job for New Year's Eve was cancelled, so I got to go visit Naomi (for the third time in a month, booyah!) and watch fireworks with my family.
The next day was neat.
harpergrey and
learan urged me to bring Cory to the New Year's Day gathering, which I did. (For the record, ladies, he loved it. And you. :D)
But the next day was weird. I stayed home all day, unproductively, while my mom went to work. I was really sad/angsty all day. I'd called him that morning to make plans for this week, and he was kinda tired and untalkative. I don't think that that had a lot to do with it, though.
That funk continued to yesterday morning, even though I was going to go visit with Cory for an entire day, for the first time (the longest we'd seen each other before that was Devon Days, which was, like, 8 hours. When we started dating, it kinda ended up being less-than-6-hour visits, because of school and his work).
Yesterday was a lovely day, a perfect day -- we hung out a lot at his place, playing Oblivion and watching Death Note, but we also went to see I Am Legend at the nearby theatre, which turned out to be amazing! And we ate at East Side Mario's, closing the day.
When I got picked up to leave... after about five minutes in the back seat of the car, the same choking, sad feeling was in my chest. And it's still there this morning, even though I'm going to meet him at the mall today, along with Carla and Lauren (and see Sweeney Todd... :))
I'll have seen him three times this week, which is so much more than I could hope for. It's awesome! ...so why do I feel so crappy?
This is just the same old feeling of missing him, I suppose. But I don't really get it. It never used to feel quite this bad.
The feeling vanishes when I see him.
I don't understand.
Thanks for listening.
It's a new year. I wonder what 2008 will hold...