
Nov 11, 2004 19:51

so have you ever had a "person" mad at you and you knew they were but they refused to admit it. like they ignore you and act like they are perfectly fine but you know that they are not. and no matter how much you try to make it better they refuse to admit that anything is wrong. im not saying that THIS IS HAPPENING TO ME but if IT DID i would be ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

fallen_angel456 November 12 2004, 04:16:55 UTC
nope never happened to me
i think u should just let it all blow over. it will all be good soon.
i promise
i love you babe!


shawngreen November 12 2004, 05:42:48 UTC
wow daniel i sure hope that never happens to you it sounds rough....

yeah seriously that sucks! i'm sorry! We are gonna have fun tomarrow! yay i'm excited!


tallhawtguy November 15 2004, 06:38:47 UTC
omg i am so sorry about that. i would say it wasnt my fault but it is. :/


fallen_angel456 November 16 2004, 01:15:20 UTC


simpleton1001 November 12 2004, 07:20:32 UTC
wowsers! good luck with that one Daniel-son.


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