Artwork for Fredbassett

Feb 14, 2016 17:19

Happy Birthday, Fred!

Just a little gift my husband made for you on my request.

I know I haven't been around for some time now, but you and the Primeval community are still on my mind and I hope I will be able to participate in Primeval Denial soon again.



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Comments 8

fredbassett February 14 2016, 16:22:36 UTC
*huge hugs*

WOW, that's absolutely beautiful! You've captured him so well! Edit: is that your husband's signature? If so, please give him my very sincere thanks as well!

Thank you so much for this! I've had my two favourite mammoths from you now! First the one now known as Whatley, who's now my caving club's twitter mascot, and now Monty!

I'll print this out and frame him!

I hope all is well with you :)


talliw February 14 2016, 17:09:24 UTC
I guess you were already resonding whilst I was still editing my post ;)
I'm glad you like the picture.

I'm ok. There have been a few drawbwacks in my life but as people say 'Bad weeds grow tall.' ;)


fredbassett February 14 2016, 17:55:25 UTC
He's very talented! This is gorgeous.

It would be lovely to have you around in the community again. We're still here, still going.

I'm sorry life sounds like it's been rough. Sorry about the drawbacks. We must catch up by email. I always think of you when I see the mammoth.


nietie February 14 2016, 17:41:46 UTC
Gorgeous art work.

Take care, talli! Denial is still vibrant. Whenever you feel like it, we're here!


knitekat February 14 2016, 18:55:17 UTC
That is gorgeous.

Hi Talli *hugs* We're still here.


fififolle February 14 2016, 21:57:39 UTC
Hi Talli!

That is gorgeous, your husband is very talented. Thanks for showing us this gift here :)


rusty_armour February 14 2016, 22:12:14 UTC
This is absolutely beautiful! Your husband should be proud, talliw! :-)


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