Artwork for Fredbassett

Feb 15, 2017 21:58

Another scribble of my husband for you as a belated birthday present. I hope you had a wonderful day.

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Comments 4

fredbassett February 15 2017, 21:48:19 UTC
Thank you both so much for this! It's fabulous :) MrT is very talented!

*hugs* So lovely to see you on the comm again.


talliw February 15 2017, 22:49:07 UTC
Yes, it has been a long time. I'm glad you like the artwork. I hope I can manage to be around the community again this year.


nietie February 16 2017, 13:50:58 UTC
Hello, Talli! I hope all's well with you, as best as possible.

The artwork is wonderful.


knitekat February 16 2017, 20:04:12 UTC
*waves at Talli*

Great art.


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