Title: Golf Lessons
Author: TalliW
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Primeval are the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun. So don't bother me.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to fredbassett for beta-reading. I couldn't have done it without you.
A/N:written for the Official Mid-February 2009 Challenge - Games & Sports at "The ARC"
"Damn it, Nick, you're supposed to hit the golfball and not the man next to you."
"It was a slip. I'd taken too much swing," Cutter explained.
Stephen limped aside. "OK, next try."
"All right, you've hit the ball now but next time aim in the direction of the hole and not at Connor's eye."
Nick Cutter got ready for the next strike...
"Cutter, If you think you can fish the ball out of my cleavage all by yourself you're sadly mistaken," Jenny huffed.
But Nick Cutter wasn't discouraged so quickly. After the ball had finally been rescued he tried again.
"And how is the lesson going?"
The scared looks of the people around Professor Cutter should have been a hint that the lesson wasn't going too well.
But the moment the man realised the danger he was in with his current position it was already too late.
"Fuck, my balls."
"A right Hole-in-One," Cutter remarked when he saw James Lester going down on one knee, groaning.
At the end of the afternoon, the whole team agreed Nick Cutter shouldn't be allowed on the proper course. The miniature golf in his office was just right for him.
And they finally understood why Abby had needed to wash Rex so urgently that she couldn't go with them to the golf course.