Title: Tight Schedule
Author: TalliW
Pairings: Lester,. Becker, Helen, Sarah, Connor
Rating: T
Disclaimer: Primeval is the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Fredbassett for beta-reading. I couldn't have done it without you.
AN: Sort of Sequel to the story "Fair Sharing"
"What do you mean you have the right to choose first? I'm his mistress!"
"I'm his boss!"
"That's sexual harassment."
"He crawled under my desk to suck me off. If anyone has been sexually harassed it's me."
Helen glared at Lester and then at Becker who looked innocently at the ceiling.
"I hope you haven't forgotten me in your schedule," Sarah called from the next office, too afraid to get closer due to the small seven-spotted ladybird sitting on the floor and looking menacingly at her.
The ladybird finally decided to fly away and Sarah stepped into the already too crowded office.
"OK, let's go through it again," Lester sighed. "Monday and Saturday: Helen. Tuesday and Wednesday: Sir James. Thursday and Friday: Sarah. Sunday he has a free day for relaxing."
"Thursday is an absolute no-no. That's my shopping day. And why should I get him on Friday? He's always so exhausted at the end of a working week," Sarah complained.
"And what about me?" Connor piped up. "He's my love god and he helps me relax after a hard day."
"Becker, you're a slut," Helen huffed. "The boy is still wet behind the ears. How could you?"
"Stephen," Becker said nonchalantly and inspected his finger nails.
Helen went pale and looked daggers at the captain.
"When do you actually have time for all these affairs," Lester asked, curiously.
"Every time my team takes a tea break."
"Well, that explains a few things. Tea breaks are canceled for your men from now on. And now to return to our schedule..."
"Do I get extra hours because he told me his first name in the throes of passion?" Connor asked and all eyes turned to him.
That was the moment Becker took the opportunity to flee.
"Please come back, Hilary," Connor called after him while everyone else slowly started to snicker.