Title: Watching (2/...)
Author: TalliW
Pairings: Lester/Cutter
Rating: PG, hints of slash, but really harmless
Disclaimer: Primeval are the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun. So don't bother me.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to fredbassett for beta-reading. I couldn't have done it without you.
A/N: After my first story Sir James didn't wanna play nice and let me be in peace. I had to write another one to get rid of him. So never let a bureaucrat inside your head. ;)
It's sort of a sequel to the first story.
Lester was watching him. Again.
His team members had noticed it too.
Connor had whispered to him yesterday: "He's starting to like you. I'm sure he's finally realised the government couldn't do it without you."
Cutter had just shrugged.
But today Abby had made an entirely different comment: "If I didn't know he is married and presumably straight, I' d think he's checking you out."
Nick hadn't managed to stop a blush spreading over his whole face when he'd heard that. Abby had giggled and after saying: "I'm sure he can be very nice.", had sauntered off, still laughing.
At first he thought Lester was worried about him finally going nuts after his insane display when Jenny Lewis had arrived, but then Abby's comment got him thinking.
She was right. Lester did not just watch him, he was nearly ogling him.
Nick was sure Lester had a good reason for this particular demeanour, albeit he had no idea what it could be.
All Nick Cutter knew was that the staring was making him feel really uncomfortable. He felt that the best way to put a stop to this was probably to stare back.
So he resolved that the next time Lester turned his eyes toward him he would do the same.
Abby and Connor grinned. This was ridiculous. Lester and Cutter - both watching each other.
It was also cute, in a strange way, the romanticist inside Abby thought.
Every time Cutter felt an awkward tingle on his skin at being observed, he now looked straight back into Lester's eyes until the other man turned away and went back to work.
The times he had to do this had got fewer in the last days and today Lester hadn't looked at him at all.
In a disconcerting way, Cutter missed it suddenly.
So when Lester came down to the Anomaly Detector to ask them a question, Cutter looked at him, openly and warmly.
Lester appeared confused, at first. Then he returned the look , a faint but sincere smile forming on his lips.
Nick Cutter just smiled back.