May 03, 2009 20:59
ok. This is the greatest thing ever.
Apr 30, 2009 19:02
Guildmate posted this. I prefer the Gonna Love My Nuts mix, but this one is pretty epic.
Apr 25, 2009 04:52
The bag cat has moved on to bigger things.
Apr 24, 2009 11:10
A red fox listens out for mice scurrying six feet beneath the snow before diving head first into the drift to snap up its prey.
Apr 20, 2009 17:16
The NFL draft is this weekend, so they keep playing this song on ESPN radio. Totally stuck in my head.
Apr 16, 2009 23:53
Ok, no more youtube for the night, I promise :)
Also, sorry about the embedding being disabled. I could't find copies that had it on, so you'll just have to click through if you want to watch. It's worth it, especially this one.