I’ve been here for pretty much a full month and there has been lots of amazing happenings, some sobering contemplation, and some not-so-amazing drama. I’ll save the latter two for another post since I only have so much time (I have to pre-write all posts, emails, etc).
Ramble ramble bahamas ramble )
Comments 5
Have a Bahama Mama for me, would you??? I've tried so hard over the years to recreate them here, but never quite the same. *sigh* I SOOOOOO envy you this experience, but am so VERY glad that you're there and things are, at the least, going well work-wise.
Sometimes, it takes venturing outside one's comfort zone to find out what truly matters in life, eh? Not only that, but the feeling one gets when one confronts the fears and bests them... it's empowering. I will continue to hope for more life-improving, confidence-building, EMPOWERING experiences for you!!!
Fuhgetabout the bad and concentrate on the good. Drink it all in. Savor it. Remember it. Take plenty of pictures! :D
I have a thing for turkey vultures too :) Are the ones where you are similar to the ones here?
I also met a woman from the states who informed me of the existence of "Vulture parties," which is where all their friends bring their leftover, spoiled meat, set it out on a platform somewhere isolated, then everyone sits back with some wine and watches the vultures feast. I want to see this before I die. :)
I had to google Magnificent Frigatebirds, but yeah...sooooo pterodactyls!
And yay for cool bones!
Hope the bad stuff doesn't overshadow all this awesome!
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