Sorry for the Watchmen spammage, but hot damn. I don't care how much Zach Snyder has changed the movie, it's still going to be f***ing awesome. Brb, geeking out!
Looking forward to: 1. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 2. The Reader 3. Revolutionary Road 4. Doubt 5. Milk 6. The Boy In The Striped Pajamas
Definitely not going to see: 1. Twilight 2. The Spirit (by Frank "Whoreswhoreswhores" Miller) 3. Yes Man 4. Anything with Vince Vaughn and/or Jennifer Aniston on principle
Sorry for an extra post, but the first lady of Star Trek passed away today. I really, really adored her beyond words and I hope that she can rest in peace with Gene. It's going to be very sad to hear her in the new Star Trek movie now :(