But.. do I really need to? Check this out as complete proof that New Orleans is a thriving CESS POOL of humanity. (I use the term humanity loosely
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There are good people in New Orleans. The problem is that there's bad people too. Earlier, kids were playing my neighborhood up and down the street with toys they didn't loot from the Toys R' Us roughly 4-5 miles away. There's a large portion of police that are corrupt. There's a large portion of the state government that's corrupt (if not all of it together).
If you want to swap New Orleans scandal stories with me, I can probably talk your ears off.
I totally realize that there are good people in New Orleans and that they suffer because of the bad. My point here is, the MAJORITY of the people in New Orleans seem to have their wires crossed in some fashion or another.
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If you want to swap New Orleans scandal stories with me, I can probably talk your ears off.
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