I don't doubt they're b-list at best, but I just think it's shitty to kill ANY character in such a lame way. They were fucking cannon fodder for his lame ass story that didn't even FEATURE any Avengers aside from Tony Stark. He said himself he can't write team books. Fact is, he shouldn't write MONTHLIES. He should write graphic novels. I've just been growing tired of his writing and his disrespect for Alpha was just icing on the cake. (Apparently there are big plans in store for them though, so I can't count them out yet. But I don't doubt like half of them did bite it.)
I think they're planning on killing a bunch of New Warriors for this Civil War crap. Can't blame that one on Bendis though. I'm excited for the War, but WHY the killing??? There are other ways of making powerful stories than by killing beloved characters. But if they MUST do it, at least make it MEAN something.
Comments 1
I think they're planning on killing a bunch of New Warriors for this Civil War crap. Can't blame that one on Bendis though. I'm excited for the War, but WHY the killing??? There are other ways of making powerful stories than by killing beloved characters. But if they MUST do it, at least make it MEAN something.
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