walkiria2 asked me for SPN kissing scene icon. So I came up with 6 of them. They're sharable so grab if you like. And 2 animated sidebar I made two weeks ago but didn't have time to post them yet..until now.
Please check out the rules at the end of this post if you take any. Thanks.
- 4 animated icon
- 2 still icons
- 2 animated sidebars
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Comments 46
You know that you rock, right?
Oh and btw: Why is your mood "frustrated"?
Aww..thank you so much for the lovely comment. You don't like any of the girl? These are only the one I can tolerate. *snickers* Although I like Lisa more than the rest.
Actually my fav female characters are Jo, Ellen, Meg and that girl demon in Sin City. Too bad none of them didn't so much with the physical intimate with the boys. :P
Now I'm rambling. *shakehead*
It's nothing, bb. I was just frustrated with PB. It took me 4 or 5 times upload the sidebars. But I'm okay now.
Did I tell you that I'm gald to have you around again? :D
btw, love your icon. It's beautiful yet very sad.
Oh I'm glad, that it was just PB that was bothering you! Well,.. I don't mean I'm glad that PB was bothering you, but... I hope you understand what I mean! *gg*
Awwwwwww I missed you so much! I'm so happy to be around again! ♥
I like me new icon too. I never knew that Michael Jackson was such an amazing drawer! I knew this drawing before, but I didn't know that it was made by him!
That's MJ's drawing! Wow. The man had so many talent. It's such a great lost.
*hugs you tight*
Lovely job :)
Thank you
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