101 in 1001 update

Aug 30, 2008 20:53

Starting date: 30/11/2006
Finishing date: 27/08/2009

5.Don't go to hair dresser in half year // cut your own hair (18/11/2007-03/03/2008)
And the last time I went to a hair dresser .... before school ended! :)

6.Start rollerblading - again (25/05/2008)
last summer I rollerbladed few times..... :D can I say that it's my hobby?

10.Get summerjob (30/05/2008)
yes. I did it.

20.Have a boyfriend (02/06/2008)
LOL. :D::D it was a thing that wasnt even a thing. whatever. :D HUOH.

21.Get into the high school what you want to (13/06/2008)
yay for Oulun Lyseon Lukio

25.Dance so much that your feet is broken (14/06/2008)
heheheeh for Justice.

32.Do 100 abs in one time. (12/04/2008)
it was a great day.

35.Paint my walls again (summer 2008)
actually mom painted

40.Clean all of my closets (summer 2008)

39.Full one of your wall with pictures (Summer 2008)

47.Go to picnic with your friends (28/08/2008)

48.Go to the beach when it's really stormy (06/05/2008)

51.Don't leave home for 48 hours (22/08 - 24/08/2008)

52.Visit Lapland (07/03/2008)
well we went to Haparanda. AND IT IS IN LAPLAND :D:D:D

57.Have a great suntan (31/07/2008)
Crete had so much sun. and i had my bikini on.

82.sleep over 12 hours (02/01/2008)
i was bit tired... :D

3.See 20 movies about war (7/20) -> 3.Read my "to-read" pile.
11.Be a fruitarian for a week -> 11.Be a fruitarian for three days
16.take photo of the same place every month for a year -> 16.take a self portait everyday for a month
22.Read 7 lifestories. (2/7) -> 22.feel yourself extreme happy
27.See atleast 10 Scarlett Johansson movies (8/10) -> same
30.Eat too much chocolate and regret it. -> Have a cold shower
31.Have a clean skin ->
36.Go to Airport, just for fun. -> same
42.Read all books of my bookshelf (36/51) ->
45.Make clothes to yourself -> find something cool from 2ndhand
46.Don't wear your glasses/contact lenses in week -> wear your glasses to school
49.Have a day when you don't speak to anyone. ->
56.Make lyrics to a song ->
59.Read a book in Swedish -> same
60.Don't eat in whole day ->
65.Don't listen music in one day. ->
66.do 20 somerset and 20 cartwheel (kärrynpyörä?) at grass. ->
67.Read a book in hammock ->
68.bake a cake without help. ->
69.Start a recipebook ->
71.Fill a booklet with mindmaps ->
72.write 25 poems in english (2/25) ->
75.Buy/Get 50 new CD/Single (33/50) -> same
77.See a fashionshow -> same
79.Get your poem published ->
80.Learn how to play Backcammon and win dad. -> learn fow to play backcammon
81.have 50 000 songs played in last.fm -> same
84.Play sims 1 -> same
85.feel very special -> same
87.Blow soapbubbles
88.Don't Buy anything in a week -> Don't Buy anything in three days
89.Get a swedish/german penpal ->
90.Find a Bookcrossing book -> same
92.Make 101 avatars/icons (47/101) ->
97.Learn to name 14 phobias. ->
100.Ride a horse -> same

101 in 1001

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