The next installment.... :)
Title: Rodney's Alarm
Chapter: 4 of 12
Characters: Rodney and Zelenka mainly, with others from Atlantis
Summary: Rodney has a very alarming day
Rating: PG
Genre: Humour
Category: General
Warnings: None. No sex; no paring; no spoilers (sounds boring doesn't it?)
Disclaimer: The usual. Love the show, don't own it.
Chapter Four
Rodney hummed off-key as he went through the diagnostic protocols of the previous hours. Zelenka had actually done a very good job of fixing the few problems that had occurred, at odds with what he’d said to Beckett.
However Radek had programmed one protocol that which looked rather convoluted. Rodney studied it further, but found he was none the wiser as to its functionality. He lifted his head and looked around for Radek then realised that he was on his own. He remembered vaguely that Radek had said he was going to see Dr Weir. After a few seconds of thought Rodney decided to go find him and sort out the question straight away rather than wait.
He was deep in thought as he approached Weir’s office. When he was about to knock and enter he became aware of voices.
“What am I going to tell him?” Elizabeth Weir asked with exasperation, her voice slightly elevated.
“I do not know.” Zelenka replied, “Tell him anything. Tell him Atlantis depends upon him. He will be big hero.”
“He won’t swallow that!”
“He has big head already. He will probably believe it.” Zelenka replied.
“What do you think John?” Elizabeth asked
“I can just shoot him, or hit him over the head and drag his unconscious body through the gate” John Sheppard sounded serious.
“Ah, maybe Dr Beckett could give him something.” Zelenka asked hopefully.
“Whatever we do he is going to whinge about it for months afterwards. I know I will never hear the end of it.” Elizabeth sounded resigned.
The conversation stunned Rodney. What and who were they talking about. Surely it couldn’t be about him?
“Whatever you do must be done soon” Zelenka announced with determination.
“Yeah, I’ll sort something out even if I have to drag Kavanagh kicking and screaming through the gate.” Sheppard sounded grim but resolved.
Ah, not about him after all, Rodney thought with relief. Then he wondered why they wanted to get Kavanagh off world? He doubted if he would be of any use on a mission. Besides it was his team, he was the scientist. Okay, so maybe he was up to his ears at the moment, but they should hold the mission until he was ready, not take Kavanagh.
He realised he’d lost track of the conversation while he was thinking. It sounded as though they were finishing the meeting and he decided it would be best if he was elsewhere. Rodney turned and went back the way he’d come. Then retraced his steps just as the office door opened.
“McKay” exclaimed Zelenka with some surprise. He turned and looked at Weir and Sheppard behind him with some consternation.
“Radek, I need you to explain one of the protocols you programmed last night” demanded Rodney, his mind back on his work.
“Ah yes” With some relief Zelenka realised McKay was only concerned with work and had probably not registered anything else. Still… He turned his head towards Weir and raised an eyebrow; she nodded back to him in return.
Zelenka moved to McKay’s side and began to rapidly explain what he had done while he steered them both back to the lab.
Behind them, just outside the office, Weir and Sheppard exchanged glances before heading off together in the opposite direction.
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3 Beta by