Second last chapter...
Title: Rodney's Alarm
Chapter: 11 of 12
Characters: Rodney and Zelenka mainly, with others from Atlantis
Summary: Rodney has a very alarming day
Rating: PG
Genre: Humour
Category: General
Warnings: None. No sex; no paring; no spoilers (sounds boring doesn't it?)
Disclaimer: The usual. Love the show, don't own it.
Chapter Eleven
After the food had been consumed and much gaiety, a small group remained behind as everyone else either went to bed or on duty.
Elizabeth approached Rodney with a small wrapped gift in her hand. “We each wanted to give you something to celebrate your day.” She smiled and proffered the gift. “I am afraid we didn’t
have enough time to arrange anything special, but these are from our hearts.” Shyly smiling she stepped back into the group as everyone applauded.
Rodney stood in the centre of his friends. His heart was so full he had trouble, for once, expressing how he felt. The look on his face managed to convey what he felt as he nodded to Elizabeth and smiled at them all.
He carefully uncovered the small gift in his hand to find a delicate glass paperweight. “Thank you Elizabeth. I will treasure it along with the memory of this evening.” He looked around at his friends, then back at Weir and asked her quizzically, “Might this be a subtle hint to keep my reports to you up-to-date?”
“Well Rodney, it will hopefully be a reminder for you” she said with a large smile.
“Here Rodney, catch!” Sheppard tossed his gift before they all started getting too sentimental.
Rodney ducked instinctively when something whizzed towards his head, but Zelenka neatly fielded the rectangular wrapped object.
“Good hands Dr Z” approved Sheppard.
Zelenka smiled and ceremoniously handed the gift to Rodney.
“It’s the ice hockey play offs” Sheppard stated when the gift was opened. One of my buddies had recorded it for me last time we got mail from the Daedelus.
Teyla’s gift was an Athosian meditation candle, while Ronon’s gift was an offer to teach Rodney some defensive moves, as gently as it was possible for Ronon to be. Rodney’s grin was a bit strained with that gift.
Beckett handed his gift next and Rodney noticed that it gurgled. He shot a suspicious look at Beckett thinking that he’d been given a tonic or something, but when he uncovered the bottle it was a 20 year old Scotch.
“Carson! I’m sure you were saving this for a special occasion.” Rodney exclaimed.
“Aye I was. This is a very special occasion.” Beckett beamed at his friend as Rodney patted him on the shoulder affectionately.
“Okay Dr Z roll it out!” Sheppard called as Zelenka approached from an alcove that had been hiding something large.
Rodney watched a large object with a red bow on top and disguised by a box so that it’s shape was questionable, rolling towards him from behind Zelenka who held some sort of remote.
Zelenka brought the thing to a halt in front of Rodney who just stood and stared for a moment trying to figure it out.
“Just lift the box off” Zelenka said encouragingly.
“What have you got in there Radek?” Rodney asked cautiously wondering if it was booby-trapped. His friends were still standing nearby and obviously knew what was in the box, so he felt safe enough to approach it.
“K9!! You made me my own K9” Rodney exclaimed with delight as the familiar shape emerged from under the raised box. He went down on his knee to examine it closely.
“Yes master? What is it that you require?” it asked.
“Radek, you even managed to get the voice right!” Rodney looked up at Zelenka where he stood smiling with pleasure at the impact of his gift.
“It’s real neat Rodney. You can use the remote to send it anywhere. Dr Z has programmed a map of Atlantis into its memory and it can go to the control room, or lab or wherever you want.” Sheppard was quite enthusiastic. “It can even carry things in the storage space. Dr Z has a spot with a heater for your coffee.”
Sheppard looked around and saw bewilderment on the faces of Teyla and Ronon. “It’s something from an earth television show.” He explained, but it didn’t decrease the puzzlement.
Rodney patted Zelenka on the shoulder who returned the gesture, they then awkwardly shook hands.
“Okay everyone, I think it is time we all get some shuteye.” Elizabeth made the call. “I know I for one would appreciate some peace and quiet after today.”
She turned to Zelenka, only half serious, “You did a great job pulling this all together, but next time you want to overturn this base make sure I’m on leave first.”
“Me too!” agreed Sheppard as he, Teyla, Ronon, Beckett and Weir said their goodnights to Rodney before departing.
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5 Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10 Beta by
mckay_ocd *hug*