Userpic Meme

Apr 22, 2008 14:17

Got this from light_flower

01. Reply to this post, tell me if you want to participate in the meme and I will pick six of your icons.
02. Make a post and talk about the icons I chose.
03. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
04. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

This is one of the original icons that's still standing from when I began posting on LJ and used mainly for all my nerding purposes.

saaraneth made this before I watched HanaDan but I was really amused with the faces drawn on these colourful balls

when Nerding + J-drama watching combine, they form icons like these

There was something about the first episode of Yamada Taro Monogatari that made me LOL and squee all at the same time. I made so many icons for that episode it's kinda frightening.

Ueno Juri playing Nodame was certainly an awesome choice and I seriously needed a food icon, and who better to model my love for food than her?

After all this time, I realized I didn't have a LOL icon and Oscar, was absoultely priceless in the drama I still can't believe he played someone as serious as Ren in the NANA 2 movie even if I haven't seen it)

It looks so pretty outside right now... I'm done "I want Candy" by the same author who wrote "The Dim Sum of All things", will be reviewing that later~

books, meme/quizzes

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