Kaed: ~walks in, confused~ Hello, Snuggleslut. Missed you.
Mae: ::Stands and strolls over to Kaed leaning on him:: Missed you too, Pretty.
Kaed: ~wraps his arms around Mae~ You okay?
Mae: ::Grins and nuzzles him:: Now I am. <3
Kaed: Where'd you disappear to? ~slight smile~
Mae: Er.. There's.. just something that weirds me out about seeing my brother making it out with his boyfriend, or whatever he may be..
Kaed: Oh...Jules. Yeah. ~shrug~
Mae: ::Grins and wraps his arms around Kaed:: Hmm.. I need snugglings.
Kaed: I'm happy to provide them. ~snuggles~
Mae: ::Smiles and closes his eyes, resting his head on Kaed's shoulder::
Chrysty: [[ Assuming that's physically possible... *chest ]]
Tam: ((LOL! Yeah...Kaed is a bit tall...))
Chrysty: [[ And Mae is a bit... not.. lol! ]]
Kaed: ~snickers and picks Mae up, carrying him to the couch~ Here...much more comfortable.
Mae: ::Smiles and snuggles closer:: Mm... and I missed the way you always smell so nice...
Kaed: ~starts playing with Mae's hair~ I missed the way you fit in my arms, and actually say nice things about me. But, is there a reason we're going mushy? ^_~
Mae: ::Grins:: Hmm... I wonder.. ::Snickers a little and nuzzles:: I like mush.
Kaed: ~falls silent, thinking for a few moments~ ...I do too...I guess....
Mae: I'm glad.. ::Closes his eyes again, still snuggling::
Kaed: ~sighs and also closes his eyes, just snuggling some more~
Mae: ::Smiles, contently::
Tam: ((You don't want to know how he updates when there is supposedly no computer on hand... -_-))
Chrysty: [[ o.o Hmm? ]]
Tam: ((Kaed being Kaed... ~sigh~
http://www.livejournal.com/users/julian_n_kaed/1601.html?mode=reply ))
Chrysty: [ [OH! ::Sees:: ]]
Tam: lol
Tam: mew
Mae: ::Looks at Kaed, admiringly:: You're talented.. ::Grins::
Kaed: ~grin~ Thank you.
Mae: Oh, you are very ..very... welcome. <3
Kaed: ~closes his eyes and keeps snuggling~ You're talented, sweet, and prone to flattery...
Mae: Kaed..? Do you... ::Hushes himself after a second::
Kaed: Hmmm? Do I what? ~looks at Mae, puzzled~
Mae: ::Nuzzles, whispering:: Nevermind. It's not important.. ::Grins::
Kaed: ~frowns~ Tell me anyway?
Mae: ::Nuzzles his face into Kaed's chest:: Do... do you like me?
Kaed: ~soft smile~ If I didn't like you, would I be holding you like this?
Mae: ::Sighs, quietly, then grins and nuzzles a bit more:: ..I was just curious.
Kaed: Is that really all you wanted to ask? ~stares off across the room~
Mae: It's all the more I feel I'm allowed to ask, right now. ::Whispers and snuggles, affectionately::
Kaed: Just going to take the snuggling at face value, huh? You are wiser, by far, than I....
Mae: And why do you say that...?
Kaed: I've been known to press matters, when I should have just left well enough alone. ~sigh~
Mae: ::Ponders this for a moment, then closes his eyes again:: I'm not saying I want to leave well enough alone... by any means.
Kaed: ~sigh~ I don't know if it's anything more than like yet. I'd like it to be though...but at the same time, I'm worried about what would happen. If, by worried, one meant scared out of one's mind.
Mae: ::Sighs, quietly, and nods, just a bit:: I understand.... well, not really the being scared part, but the first half, I do.
Kaed: Sorry, I've just got this terrible track record in matters of the heart, and a couple of things are still really fresh right now. Hence the scared part, and being content to just snuggle you as much as you're willing.
Mae: Ah.. that I can understand. ::Nuzzles some more:: Well, I am here for as much snuggling as you'd like...
Kaed: You run the risk of never being let go. ~grin~
Mae: Oh dear... how dare I place myself in such peril.. ::Grins::
Kaed: ~shrug~ You asked for it. ~shifts, stretching out to lay down on the couch and using Mae like a teddy bear~
Mae: Yes, I did, didn't I? ::Smiles and wraps is arms around him, nuzzling his head under Kaed's chin::
Kaed: ~drifts off to sleep for the first time in about a week~
Mae: ::Blinks and looks up at him, then smiles, softly:: Sleep well, Pretty... ::Snuggles back up against him::