Sad and sweet...

Feb 17, 2016 07:47

Due to computer issues there is no record remaining of Mira's arrival. This is the earliest intact chat log.

Mirana: ~sneaks in holding a teddy bear half her size~

Palm: ~looks over at her and smiles softly~ Well, hello.

Mirana: ~quietly~ Hi.

Palm: I like your bear. <3

Mirana: A lady in a long dress gave it to me just now. Do you want it?

Palm: ~tilts his head~ That is incredibly kind of you, but if she gave it to you, then obviously it is a gift that is yours.

Mirana: I don't know where to put it. ~holds it up~

Palm: I think you should place it in your bed, then hug it as you fall asleep. ~smiles~ Teddy bears help to keep you safe, I've heard.

Mirana: ~quietly~ Okay. ~kinda stares at the teddy bear for a minute~

Palm: You should give it a name. ~stands up and walks closer, kneeling down beside her~

Mirana: ~stares at him~ Why?

Palm: Everything should have a name. I have a bear that I sleep with at night, as well, almost the same size. His name is Garnet.

Mirana: But I don't know how to name anything. What if I name it, and then I get picked to go away forever, and it gets lonely?

Palm: ~blinks and furrows his brow a little~ What do you mean, picked to go away forever?

Mirana: That's what happens...I know their names and they get picked and they go away forever.

Tam: ((Nooooo, stop getting morbid on me, little girl! You're supposed to be cute. u_u ))

Cat: [[ Meep. ~nods~ Well, she's been through a lot, so I don't blame her. x.x ]]

Palm: ~looks at her with confusion, glances at the muns, then back at her~ Who else is here with you?

Mirana: I have friends here, but I don't know their names, because I didn't want them to go away, and it's working, because we *all* came here now.

Palm: ~shifts from his kneel to sit on the floor~ Who do you stay with?

Mirana: The lady that's nice, and she's got dark skin, and a tail, and lots of kids, and a husband that's always busy.

Palm: But you did not come here with her?

Mirana: No. The cold people came and saved us and sent some of my friends home, and a few of us came here because we don't have homes.

Palm: ~stares at her for a moment~ Well, you are *here* now. It is safe. No one is going to take you away.

Mirana: ~nods~ That's why I stopped learning everybody's names, and it worked. Isn't that why it worked? ~hugs the teddy bear close and then looks at him~

Palm: I can understand why you would think that, but...that is probably not the case. ~smiles softly~ I think it is only a coincidence. Go on and learn their names. They will stay. If they do leave, it will be happily, and they will probably return.

Mirana: So, the teddy bear can have a name? And he'll be safe if he stays with me?

Palm: ~nods, still smiling~ Yes. I think he would love for you to give him a name. He seem to be a very special bear.

Mirana: Okay. What's your name?

Palm: I am Palm. What is yours?

Mirana: My name is Mirana. Can I name my bear with your name?

Palm: ~smiles wider~ Yes. I would be *very* honored.

Mirana: Okay. Then his name will be Palm. And you have to promise not to go away forever now.

Palm: I will both promise and swear to it. <3

Mirana: Okay, thank you. ~smiles in relief~

Palm: And just so you know, I will be sure to come and visit you tomorrow night, so you can see that I am still here. ~nods~

Mirana: ~nods~ I'll come right here tomorrow night then, so I can see you.

Palm: ~smiles~ I look forward to it. Bring your bear, as well. That way I can say hello to him, as well.

Mirana: Okay. I will. And you can see he's safe, too.

Palm: ~nods~ I would like to meet the people that you are staying with, as well. They sounds very kind.

Cat: [[ Translation: I want someone to tell me what the heck happened to this poor girl in adult language. ;-; ]]

Mirana: Okay. I'll let them know.

Palm: Thank you. ~feels his head getting a little fuzzy and sighs softly~ It was very lovely to meet you, Mirana, but I think that I should be heading off soon so that I may go to sleep. ~smiles~

Mirana: Okay. ~smiles back at him~ Sleep good and come back tomorrow.

Palm: I will. ~stands back up~ And do not be afraid to learn the names of your friends now. <3

Mirana: Okay. But I'm going to just start with you, so I know for sure.

Palm: ~nods~ Alright. That is a good place to start. ~glances over at the fire and almost twitches, then puts a smile back on~ Until tomorrow. Have a wonderful night, Mirana. ~sneaks over and gives you a hug with an apologetic expression~

Tam: ~hugs~ Go on. <3

Palm: ~softly~ Thank you. I cannot complain if it lasted this long, though. <3 ~smiles, then slips off into the closet~

Mirana: ~climbs onto the couch with her bear and settles in to wait until tomorrow~

Mirana: ~slips into the room quietly and sits down behind one of the chairs, with her teddy bear~

((other things happen))

Palm: ~appears in the middle of the room and glances around, gaze landing over near the chair that Mirana is hiding behind~ ... ~smiles and looks at the ladies, raising a finger to his lips in the "shhh" gesture~

Cin: ~was about to show off more pics from the last couple of weeks, but stops and shuts up, blushing and nodding~

Elendil: ~looks at him, curiously~

Palm: ~quietly sneaks over to the chair and peeks around it~ Is anyone back here? <3

Mirana: ~looks up, then jumps up in surprise and runs around to give him a hug~ You came back! They didn't take you away forever!

Palm: ~hugs her, both surprised and happy to see the reaction~ I promised you I would! ~smiles, brightly~

Mirana: But that doesn't always mean you *can*. Promises aren't always real. ~hugs him tighter, then lets go and just looks relieved~

Geni: ~is lurking in the shadows~

Elendil: ~watches, curiously~

Palm: Any promise that *I* make is real. I would not promise it, otherwise. ~smiles~ And how is Palm doing tonight? Has he been a happy bear now that you've named him?

Mirana: ~nods~ He hugged me all day while I was asleeping, so that made him happy. ~pulls the Palm bear from behind the chair~ You need to hug him, now.

Palm: Oh, I would like that, very much. ~kneels down on the floor and hugs the Palm bear~

Mirana: Okay. And when I go to bed in the morning, I can almost be hugging you while I'm sleeping. ~smiles~

Palm: ~feels his heart melt a little bit~ Yes. Almost. ~smiles softly~

Elendil: ~quietly~ Awww... ;-;

Mirana: Because I know you'll keep me safe. ~hugs Palm again~ Because you came back.

Cin: ~whispers~ That's so sweet... o.o

Palm: ~sits more on the floor so he can hug her better~ And I will. Those who you stay with will keep you safe, as well. ~smiles and blinks a couple times, refusing to let his eyes start to well up from this~

Mirana: ~nods, then points into the shadows~ The lady came so you can see she's taking care of me...

Palm: Oh, did she? ~looks up and over toward her~

Geni: ~takes a step out and smiles~ I also wanted to make sure Mira would be safe.

Palm: ~stands back up and nods to her~ I understand. ~smiles~ I am Palm. It is a pleasure to meet you.

Elendil: ~blinks and whispers something to Cin~

Cin: ~looks at Elendil curiously, then looks over at the unfolding events thoughtfully~

Geni: I'm Geni. I've got kids of my own, and I offered to take Mira in when Siar brought these kids here.

Mirana: And the cold lady, too.

Palm: ~raises both brows at that~ Oh, I see. ~looks at Mirana~ So *those* are the cold people you spoke of?

Mirana: ~nods~ They saved us from the cages and the bad people.

Geni: ~whispers to Palm, explaining where they were, so that Mira won't hear and get upset~

Palm: ~listens and nods, jaw tensing a little as Geni explains, looking at Mirana and just trying to keep the smile on for her~ Ah...and now it makes sense... ~softly~

Geni: ~nods~ u_u

Mirana: ~tugs on Geni's hand~ He's who has my bear's name. And he showed up. So I can learn names now and nobody will disappear from it. Is that okay?

Geni: Yes, sweetie. ~just melts~ I'm sure Veyden would like it if you know his name...he's my little boy...

Mirana: ~nods and says it over to herself a couple of times under her breath~

Palm: ~nods and kneels down on one knee, looking at Mirana~ See? And you know your bear's name and he was still here today, as well. Everyone will be alright. ~smiles~

Mirana: ~nods~ It's like you're magic. <3

Geni: ~almost wants to cry, but just smiles and looks at Mira with an expression full of hope~

Palm: ~leans closer and whispers with a big smile~ I am, but just a little bit. And so are *you.* <3

Mirana: Me? ~blinks in confusion a couple of times~

Palm: Of course you are. Everyone has a little bit of magic of their own. ~smiles~

Mirana: I can't want to see it. But it won't be as magic as you, I bet. ~grins~

Palm: Maybe it will. We will see. ~grins back~

Mirana: ~nods, then hugs her teddy bear again~ Will you always come back?

Palm: Out here? ~nods~ There may be some nights that I cannot, though. I have some friends who may need my help with making something *very* important. If we are not working on that, though, I promise that I will come out to see you.

Mirana: Okay. Then I'll come here and I'll wait for you.

Geni: Are you ready to meet another new friend now, Mira? ~smiles at her kindly~ Jasper made friends with the other children you came here with, and I'm sure he'd like to meet you.

Mira: ~looks at Palm, waiting to see what he'll say~

Palm: ~nods and smiles~ That sounds like a *wonderful* idea. You should go and meet Jasper and learn his name.

Mira: Okay. And you can tell your friends all about me, too, okay? And I can meet them some day. ~smiles, then takes Geni's hand~ Okay, I'll meet the boy.

Geni: ~smiles softly and holds Mira's hand~ Thank you, Palm. Thank y ou so much.

Palm: ~stands back up and smiles at Geni~ It's my pleasure. Truly. I hope you two have a fantastic night. <3

Geni: You too. ~smiles and starts heading toward the door~

Mira: ~smiles at Palm~ Bye for now. ~follows Geni~

Palm: Farewell. <3 ~waves and watches them go, then smiles and spins around before flopping onto Cenue's cushion with a sigh and a smile~

Cin: ~very quietly~ That was sweet...

Elendil: ~nods, nods~

Palm: She is an adorable child... I hope she becomes social and content here.

Cin: ~nods, then takes a deep breath and asks~ What happened? What was that about names?

Palm: Apparently she was held captive in Melbin's keep with several other children. ~frowns~ Some of them would be taken away from time to time for... ~hesitates~ I do not even want to know. I assume that is after Mirana learned their names. She seemed to believe that if she learned the name of anyone *here* that they would be taken away, as well.

Cin: ~gasps, covering her mouth~ How horrible. o.o

Elendil: Those poor children! ~looks horrified by that~

Palm: ~nods~ It seems that two of the liches from here broke in and rescued them all, recently. Mirana was one of those.

Cin: I'm so glad they're safe now. Those poor children... ~just looks heartbroken~

Palm: ~looks thoughtful, then just shivers a little~ Yes...

Elendil: That almost makes me want to go run after her and give her a hug. ~ponders, then grins~ Aha! Or make them all hot chocolate.

Cin: It makes me want to go check on Bry, but I know he's as safe as any child can be, and I don't want to wake him... ~sigh~ Would you like help?

Elendil: ~stands up~ If you'd like to, that would be great. It definitely helps to have someone else keep an eye on the milk so I don't scald it...and especially with the carrying.

Cin: Well...I'm very good at carrying. ~smiles and stands up as well, starting to head toward the kitchen~

Elendil: Great! ~smiles and follows after her, heading into the kitchen, as well~
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