We're two weeks away from opening Ruddigore. (Tickets can be purchased here:
http://lyrictheatre.org/jl/tickets/onsale.html but ask me first if I have some discount vouchers.)
I'm really enjoying this show. I'm enjoying the rehearsal process. I'm enjoying the people. I love getting out of the house regularly (and the house is much better for it.) I really don't know if this will translate to an enjoyable show for the audience, but you never do know, not until first contact with a live house full of butts in seats. But it appears from where I'm standing that we have a good show here. Sets and costumes still need a lot of work, but the important parts are there. We're telling a story, competently, and with a good deal of humor.
And because I have someplace to go, when I come home after rehearsal I have opportunity to think to myself, "This is a nice house to come home to. What do I need to do to make it better?" As a result, I've made great progress on getting the upstairs sorted out. I have a plumber up there now, doing his best to finish installing the sink that's been sitting there, half installed, for half a year. Each project that I complete gives me a little boost of energy to help start the next one.
Having rehearsal has also meant I have a reason and a purpose to singing regularly. As we say around here: "Practice makes progress!"
Having social connections with other actors mean I've been getting out to see other shows, too, with company.
Having ready access to members of the Lyric Theatre board of directors also means I'm throwing my opinion around loudly. It also means that when there's something small I can do to help out, on the administrative side, it's easy for someone to ask me, and it's easy for me to report on progress.
The only real downside has been that on nights I have rehearsal, Teo doesn't go to sleep until I get home if he can help it. I think one night I was super late and Chris had gotten into bed with Teo and the two of them were sacked out for the night, but usually, Teo is chirpy and chipper and refuses to sleep until I'm there.
The next two weeks will be crazy-crazy busy. Chris will have to shoulder his share of the load, getting Teo to and from judo. We won't eat meals together much. But this show has absolutely been worth it for me. I won't do the next one, but maybe the summer show will draw me in. Before that, however, I need to build up my stamina. I'm old, and it's obvious sometimes. I'm going to get a gym membership and see if I can't get some lung capacity back, maybe build some strength so that a little dancing doesn't leave me totally winded and sore.
Ruddigore has been totally worth the time and energy I've put into it. I'm so glad I auditioned.