What compels women to get tattoos of butterflies right over their ass cracks? I've seen that so many times now.
In old news, I present this year's Halloween haul:
(Geek note: I corrected the fisheye effect with ultra-secret GIMP ninja techniques.)
Observe the large amount of Laffy Taffy. I will be giving this to Erica and company.
Observe the eyeball-shaped candy on the right. That thing doesn't look safe to eat.
Observe the rolls of lifesavers and breath mints. That ain't candy, man. I also got a pack of gum. I mean, my brother got a pack of gum, but he don't like gum, so I got it. Musta been a dentist giving out sugar-free stuff. Hell, one year, I got a pencil. It was too wholesome, so I went home and drew a dick with it.
Oh, and this is not in the picture, but we also received an ad for an interior decorator. This is for your mom, she told my eight-year-old brother and tucked a small handbill into his bag along with some Halloween candy. Tacky! Tacky for a number of reasons!
Christmas is coming, and I need, vehemently, to state that I don't want anything! If my family members want to get me something, books are great. I've been looking for a good word-origin dictionary. Graphic novels are spectacular. I would never buy them for myself, for I'm afraid to experiment, and I tend to reread them. (Blankets looks interesting, but such investments are scary! Ever bought a bad book?) No more electronics, period. None! I don't want new video cards, new motherboards, new USB gizmos, nothing. What a waste of money, seriously. What a waste.
Speaking of money, I should sell my SB Audigy. It's collecting dust in the closet. I've been afraid to ship PCI or AGP cards without anti-static bags, though. What a waste, what a waste. My old ATI Radeon 9700 is depreciating quickly.
I'm typing this while I'm naked in socks. Is there a law against that?