Definition: The largest number that evenly divides two integers a and b is called the greatest common denominator, or GCD of a and b and is written GCD(a,b)
To find the GCD for two nonzero numbers a and b, assuming a is larger, take the remainder R of the quotient a ÷ b. Now find the GCD of b and R. If R is zero, the GCD is b.
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Comments 2
(although I have absolutely no idea what it means!)
I hope all is well with you, I met you at AC with Tuskyn.
Feel free to msg me on AIM or ICQ, I'd like to chat with you.
> (although I have absolutely no idea what it means!)
Darn, I was hoping the definition would be enough for the discussion. =þ
Okay, I'll look in your profile for your contact info and try to catch you online :)
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