The Tamdens 2.0

Jan 29, 2009 20:37

Last time:

Checo abandoned his family to move in with a girl he knew for two days.
They had Noah!


Baby spam!
Lots of me forgetting to put the walls up.

Checo: We've already had this baby for five minutes. Let's have another!

Checo even loves changing his diaper.

Apparently Christine is a little stressed by the baby.

The face of fear.

It kicks in shortly.

Oblig cute shot.

Omfg. Why always at the worst time?

Checo: nty

Hard landing...

Checo: And they RECYCLE up there!
Christine: omg ew

Offf couuursee.

It feels like just yesterday little Noah was born.

Christine: WHEE!

That doesn't look very safe...




Christine: omgno Hedwig!

Checo pops... I need male pregnancy morphs.

Much better.

Checo and Christine get it on on the couch.

Noah: NOOOOO! -scarredforlife-


Tessa: When's Daddy coming home? D=
Christine: Uh... Daddy doesn't love you anymore! -hangup-


He's always playing with that thing.

I don't even mind when he does it, 'cause he's so cute! <3

Christine plays with Noah.


Like I said about the male pregnancy morphs.

Checo: How did this thing get out of me? =o

It's a little boy (aurgh). Brown eyes, green skin (obviously), black hair. His name is Logan.

Checo actually interacts with his child! Seriously, he never touches them.

Noah's birthday again.


Noah: ohai.

This picture would be cute if it wasn't for Checo's horrible stink.

Birfdai already?

Christine looks so interested.

Me: -needs new alien defaults-

Even though she isn't technically even related to him, Christine has to raise Logan as well.

Logan spam!

Logan: Nom nom nom!

They just love mentally harming their children...

Not really appropiate, Christine...

She's daydreaming about some random guy...

Checo: You look like a sumo wrestler!
Christine: Aww, thanks honey!

Noah's such a good big brother. =)

Awwwe! <3

Stupid ACR. You better not get pregnant...

Of course...

'Tis all for now. Sorry it was dumb, lol. Please comment, and feel free to ask about custom content (though I can't guarantee I'll remember where I got it from). Thanks! =D

tamden legacy alien

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