Tamden Legacy 3.0

Mar 04, 2009 13:10

Hi! So, I finally got Photoshop (I totally paid for it -shiftyeyes-), so I experimented a bit with sharpening and lighting with these pics. Please tell me (honestly!) how they look! =)
Last time on the Tamden Legacy:
Devyn was born
Checo divorced his crazy bitch of a wife
The kids grew a bunch a times and were shipped off to college

Noah decides to spend his college years getting high

Logan prefers golfing.

Devyn’s facial structure… bothers me. Every life stage makes her look different…

Devyn doesn’t waste any time! Meet her boytoy whom I affectionately nicknamed Toucan Sam.

Devyn: Did you know that x=1/2y squared?
Toucan Sam: ….

Logan likes to spend his time giving makeovers to the dormies.

You made her look worse than before! At least she doesn’t look like a hippie anymore…

Noah likes her, though.
Noah: I like pretty dresses!
Ex-hippie dormie: I only like hemp ones.

Am I the only one who DOESN’T like mohawks?

Logan: You’re so cute! <333


Logan: Sorry, I couldn’t do much for you.

Angelina Jolie Dormie: I look awesome! Yay!

Noah: I potty-trained my sister!
Logan: Err, Noah… I think that’s Dev’s boyfriend…
Toucan Sam: Hawt.

Favoritism much?

Noah and the fugly ex-hippie dormie (Opal) really hit it off.

Maybe a bit too much…

Maybe a LOT too much!
Random dormie: -oblivious-
Llama: Oooooh!

Oh my God… that’s Logan in the back! Really, Noah? And a bit creepy there, Llama.

Opal: Thanks so much for having disgusting public sex with me. =D

Yep, over already. I hate college! So sue me!

Noah invites Opal over for some dinner!

Well, maybe he had ulterior motives.

Noah: Will you have lots of sex wit- I mean, marry me?

Opal: OMG yes let’s get married right now.

Look who shows up to the wedding! It’s Tessa Ramirez, Checo’s only legitimate child.

Noah: Opal, you’re the only one who will have sex with me, and it hasn’t been horrible.

Opal: Okay, but only ‘cause you’re “rich”.

Devyn: -slowclap-
She looks a bit slutty….

You’re not part of this family, bitch.
Noah and Opal: Who’s that chick?

Noah: Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea… -trys to choke-

Tessa: Omg, I hate dresses.
Noah: Wtf, how dare you?
Everyone else: -ignores-

The one person not with the family? The bride…

Later that night… Opal pops! That’s didn’t take long.

He has TEN cooking points. And he burns a freaking omelet. Sigh.

Checo starts on Christine’s founder portrait.


I was too lazy to make her change, so Christine’s portrait is in her dorky work uniform.

x_X I need to change her outfit. That’s a bit creepy…

Much better.

Opal: Omgz heartburnz

Opal: Oh! This is why I got really fat?

It’s a baby boy. He has brown eyes, brown hair, and a mix of skintones. His name is Garnet.

The first time Noah holds him. I think it may be a sign.

Christine achieves her LTW!

And Checo reaches his!

Noah’s founder portrait!

It’s Garnet’s birthday!

He’s a bit… unfortunate looking. He looks too much like his mother. But I’ll spam him anyway!

Christine: You look like a blimp!
Opal: plusplus

With a new baby on the way, I figured a new house was in order. So there’s the pics.

Christine loves Garnet. A bit more than his own mother. =o

It’s kinda cool, the amount of detail.

Ur doin’ it wrong

Garnet likes eating random things…

Garnet: Why eat that food when I can eat my delicious hand?

I think you’re supposed to choke it BEFORE you eat it… not while.


Garnet: But… but… how am I supposed to eat it if it’s emitting sparks?

Gar tries to redeem himself with cuteness… won’t work on me!

Because he goes right back to doing this.


Checo actually decides to pay attention to his little grandson, unlike his own sons.

/random portrait

Creepy much, Garnet?

Opal: I can’t wait to add a new member to our family with this little baby.
Noah: I wish I had married Angelina…

At least he isn’t eating it.

Bathroom birth ftw.

It’s a girl! She has the same genetics as Garnet. Her name is Sapphire.

AND a boy! He has Opal’s skintone, and the same eyes and hair as Gar and Sapphire. He’s Topaz.

AANNDD another girl. I know. Omfg. Also, I know this is the same pic as the Topaz one but I forgot to get a pick of the last baby and she looks the same. =P Her name is Emerald.

Noah: Where my hoes at?

Garnet grows up. I can see a little bit of Noah in him.

He certainly inherited the family stoned look…

And the babies’ birthday too. There’s Topaz and Sapphire.

And Emerald.


He’s precious. =)

Emerald. Looks the most like Opal.


It’s quite hard to take a pic of three toddlers together. They won’t stay still!

Oh God. They learn from their brother… (I had just gotten Free Time when I was playing this, by the way. Possibly only for the Toddler table. -shiftyeyes-)

Bff. Is it wrong that I find Checo slightly sexy? =o

I wonder if she’s sad because the update’s over or because she got stuck in those crappy bear pajamas?

Hope you enjoyed! Comment please? =) Which kid's your favorite?
Sexual Implications =O

3.0, legacy, tamden, third generation

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