Title: After School Shenanigans Fandom: Vampire Diaries Pairing: Alaric/Rebekah, Alaric/Elena Rating: PG-13 Summary: one-shot written for an LJ prompt. Genre: Romance, Humor Word count: 3K
I love Alaric/Elena pairing. It's got so many layers and so much depth to it. I kinda wish you had just left it with Alaric/Elena at the end, but I do like the jealousy angle of Elena/Alaric/Rebekah.
Comments 2
I love Alaric/Elena pairing. It's got so many layers and so much depth to it. I kinda wish you had just left it with Alaric/Elena at the end, but I do like the jealousy angle of Elena/Alaric/Rebekah.
Would you consider doing a Alaric/Elena prompt?
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