When; Today [ Backdating ]
Rating; G
Characters; Elena [
lady_turk]& Tseng [
Summary; Elena drags Tseng out for a meal, and they talk.
It was a headache after another and Tseng really hadn't wanted to put up with a lot of it. Granted things had gotten sorted out with Rufus, but that did not mean that things had gotten any better. For better or for worse, he was tired, unable to concentrate, even with the appearance of one of his most loyal Turks coming back to the City.
As he stirred his tea after their plates were taken away, Tseng sighed, moving an elbow over the edge of the table. The strain was showing on his expression. Rufus and Reno fought, Tseng and Rufus fought, he had feelings for Aerith and Rufus was jealous of it, but he cared for Rufus in return, and now Reno disappeared.
"This feels like High School all over again," he grumbled, as he raised his teacup and drank from it. It wasn't as strong as he wanted it to be, and he glanced over at Elena. "And that's a part of my youth I would rather not re-live."
It was relaxing, however, to be able to speak with her again. "Looks like you're caught up with everything though. In Gaia and here. Did you want dessert?"