this log is cloooosed suckahs

Jul 02, 2010 03:43

When; July 2; morning
Rating; PG
Characters; Yuri Lowell [notflynn] and Flynn Scifo [srslynotguy]
Summary; Yuri's way of keeping an eye on Flynn is to stalk him.
Log; [Flynn's going out again. This has been happening a lot more than usual, so Yuri of course is suspicious. He promised Rita that he'd keep an eye on Flynn - promised himself as well.

If Flynn really is being controlled, he has to be there to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. After all, Flynn could cause a lot of damage. And most of all- he could do something he'll seriously regret.

So he follows a few yards behind Flynn, making sure his steps are light, that he isn't too sudden.]
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